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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. It’s the yellow bedside lamp.But yes it’s beautiful 🤪
  2. There’s Kira tidying up all round , Nina laying in bed on her Lap Top , no wonder they have disagreements🤔 Another thing when’s the Christmas coming down?☃️
  3. Dose anyone think Kira has lost abit of weight.still as sexy youve heard of the saying the nearer the bone the sweeter the meat !😀
  4. Wonderful a long time cumming well done Nina i think you both needed that🤗 l know we all. Wanted it as well , that was beautiful. don’t stop now ,you have to keep up with the others now ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  5. You forgot Nina keeper of the bed clothes 😁
  6. Watching the girls in the jacuzzi earlier I think something is missing , the sparkly is gone between them they looked very serious ,it’s not like them .🤔
  7. I know they have their disagreement s ,but if one of them are not well they look after each other😺
  8. I would have thought an eregular heart beat 🤷‍♂️
  9. What is that little box thing with a tube coming out of that Kira has over her shoulder?
  10. What’s Kira on I’ve never seen her so happy and laughing, I think that weeks break done her the world of good . whatever was said it must have been funny even Nina was laughing 🤣 I forgot everyone is happy when Masha is about ,always happy
  11. Lovely to have the girls back safe and sound ,they seem to be a lot happier now . I hope they had a good heart to heart discussion to clear the air away from the cameras that’s what was needed. a good bit of retail therapy also doses wonders,❤️😻
  12. My betting they went.to Krasnodar ,they have been before! or Moscow going by flight arrivals welcome home girls😍
  13. Nina has changed her.hair colour again
  14. The girls are back in town 23,18 Do we know we’re they have been? They needed that break I think things were getting on top of them hence the disagreement s
  15. Do the girls like skiing? Or have they gone to visit their friends in Spain/ just a thought😀
  16. You take on Nina I’ll take my chance with Kira , although I might land up in hospital ( but it would be worth it) 😻
  17. When are the girls home ? The house is not the same without them 😻
  18. Can you explain ,is there a protest rally somewhere?
  19. Where are the girls going at 0.306 this morning taking clothes with them but not sugar duck are they going away for a long weekend?
  20. Your right I should have said not a good idea my fault I’ve changed it now
  21. It will never happen I can guarantee that
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