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Everything posted by disneykid

  1. PLEASE girls sit down and talk your problem out ,Kira you can’t have a grudge forever,life has to go on. Just talk it over no shouting or argument s maybe away from the cameras Dose Kira still love Nina ? They’ve both got their wedding rings on ,so may be there’s hope. Your only on this earth once ,so make the best of it ,enjoy it while you can,problems can be solved sorry for the rant this has been bugging me for awhile,I like to see two happy girls again😻
  2. Why dose Kira keep rejecting Nina ? She didn’t want to be kissed in the jacuzzi,! its been like it since Christmas)
  3. I’ve been on here18 months ,I still don’t know what the green up arrow means ! can someone explain please.
  4. It’s a pity putin shut RLC web site down ,but when they moved to their first VH apartment they were happy there but it was too expensive,next the high rise ,happy there too, then they moved to what I called the council house ,I think that’s when thing’s went down hill to me the mansion is a disaster waiting to happen but it’s their life🤷‍♀️
  5. The girls can go out were stuck indoors
  6. Maybe your right , but I think a lot of the trouble is they’re always on those bloody phones /
  7. This house has bad omens, they’ve had more disagreements in 3 months ,than they in all of the last 3 appartments put together. I think it’s time to move on and not share with anyone ,back to just being the two of them😺
  8. Took bloody long enough .it was like watching snooker
  9. So am i watching them .it’s like watching paint dry
  10. I have no idea what it’s all about ,but it looks serious
  11. I don’t know what the argument is about but it’s 3 hours and. Counting , it must have worn them out ,both asleep on the bed,
  12. Maybe Nina has an off/on switch in her pocket
  13. I’m with you on this one! I take no notice of chipper he’s always having ago at me ! I never mentioned D&G all I said was is Kira not well or upset . he’s twisting my comments around to suit him. yes he has his opinion and I have mine,never will the two agree
  14. What’s up with Kira tonight,is she not well? Or upset
  15. ‘Just watching the playback in the bathroom on my iPad i have to apologise I didn’t know Kira wasn’t well . Nina did look abit worried,she looked after Kira as you would expect they have their ups and downs , but when either aren’t well they look after each other, as for throwing the water ,it was meant as a joke🌈🤢
  16. Another problem with the girls Kira in the bedroom ,Nina in the guest room,they need to sort this out it’s been going on too long now !🤷‍♀️ it’s taken Kira 10 minutes to wake up Nina , I would throw a cup of cold water over her. sometime think she dose it to wind Kira up
  17. I have noticed Kira very really kisses Nina since the big row ,it’s usually Nina doing the kissing. I hope things will eventually get back to normal 😻 I think Masha needs to sort them out!
  18. Where had Kira been allday coming in at 0300 in the morning, no wonder the poor girl is always tired 😴
  19. Where is Nina going ? I did notice Kira never kissed or cuddled her ,have they had another row?
  20. It looks like only top floor cameras are working. I think the girls might be working on the others
  21. I think Nina needs to lighten up abit trying to be the boss and stop trying to run Kira s life a marriage is between two people ,not one sided. sometimes they are as bad as each other ,neither give in an argument ,but that’s life😻
  22. You never turn down an offer like that ,where ever you are 👍
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