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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Getting better and better. Wrong place. 😃
  2. She should receive danger money for putting that thing in her gob. 🤣
  3. Prefer to hear her moan. In a good way of course. 😃
  4. You know I'm only messing. Always more to come.
  5. Definitely be one of the best rides.
  6. Brooke done her bit and time to move on. She'll be back.
  7. Some sandwiches look a hell of a lot better. 🤣
  8. Madison is the only one worth watching IMO and she's pretty much the same routine sadly.
  9. Nothing wrong with that. Only live once.
  10. Barcelona ones. But each to their own on preference.
  11. He's got a lovely way with words. 😂
  12. In B1. But would definitely win overall.
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