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Everything posted by kitek

  1. 19.06 approx. 9:40am K&K talk in the bedroom Kami tells Kristy about her visit to gynecologist, she has some inflammation, doctor assured her that everything can be cured. For time being Kami is going to abstain from sex until everything is back to normal.
  2. Apparently It wasn't that serious otherwise he wouldn't let her rub him.
  3. 19.06 around 1:00 Kami in the living room talking on the phone with Dima. She came back alone. Kami: You read my message. Dima: Not yet. Kami: I wrote that if you were not gone too far to come. Kristy sleeps. Dima: ... ..... ??? Kami: I'll will sleep with you. approx. 1:25 comes Dima. In the living room. approx. 1:32 Dima undress. They talk in a whisper. You can only understand that she suggests that he gives her the laundry. approx. 1:49 in the kitchen Kami asks him if something is wrong because lately their sexual relation is not good. Then Dima decides to speak. It turns out that he injured his penis at bike race. At first he thought that it will pass quickly but miscalculated. Kami wants him to show it to her. He objects but she insists. Then they move to the bedroom. approx. 1:54 in the bedroom Dima goes to bed and wants her to join him. Kami: Dima, I'm dressed. After a while, she starts to take off pants and sits on the bed. She tells him to put the phone down as far as possible. She says she still does not want to go to sleep. Dima wants her to lie down. He attracted her to him and quietly talking about his indisposition. Kami asks him if he doesn't lie about it. Later asks him to be honest with her. Dima says that everything is in order. Kami watching his penis, shows something and asks whether that's there. For a moment, they are talking in whispers. Kami finishes removing her trousers. Dima for a long time something explained in a whisper. Apparently Kami recognizes the explanation credible because she cuddles up to him and every now and then laugh. Dima wants to continue Kami lay down next to him. Kami does not want to. I think I explained that it is not ready yet, but tells Dimi move its place, put hugs to his back and covers. Later she strokes his penis and after a while Dima deflects panties and critically watching him. Kami still asks why he did not say anything to her, she began to think that he does not want her. She tells him that she would like to know if something wrong with him happens. Dima somehow tries to explain tries to turn it into a joke but Kami insists that he tells her everything. Of course, from Dima it falls complaint that she also did not tell him everything. Hug, they are whispering. Kami trying to fall asleep, but after several minutes begins to rub his penis leading to ejaculation. It takes approx. 11 min. and at this time Dima pretends to be asleep. Kami brings paper and wipes Dima. approx. 3:40 they fall asleep.
  4. 15.06 approx 20:40 K&K in the living room Kristy: I had my exam today. Kami: How'd it go. Kristy: Okay. So-so. I could not sleep at night. To this even added Yura. Kami: What about Yura? Kristy: I was with him on Sunday. He bought donuts. Everything was alright. He wanted me to come to him. I said I do not know if I will be able to make it. He said that he understood and calmly accepts that she does not come. I asked if everything was okay. He said that so but that he had lost the desire for sexual relations with me. I asked what was going on. He said that although physically he wants her, in terms of emotions I'm indifferent to him and it does not matter whether I come or not. I said - Then find some other girl . He said it was possible. I say that it turns out that between us there is no sex or anything. He said that this is so, and that is true. Then I write to him and he responds after an hour and a half. Every time I wake up. I do not know how to describe what I feel. I knew that the next day is very important and he should be discarded from the head of all these thoughts. I came up with a concrete plan. In the evening everything seemed to me a great, in the morning, I found that I am finite idiot. The plan was that in the morning turn into a super-perfect girl, and I did everything what he wants. Also, in terms of sexual abuse. For a while I was doing everything he wanted. I know I can do it. I know how to tie him to me but I did not want to do that, because I think that a man should be taking care of a girl. And then …. . I did not figured out completely but it would be ideal if he knew someone wants to marry me. If what Zhenya invited me for a joint trip and could come up with something. Insert a picture on a motorcycle. But then I thought that I would pull through two three weeks .... Kami: You do not hold out. You quickly begin to irritate yourself. Kristy: In the morning I sent him a picture from Instagram. I wrote: Would you like a coffee with milk. He wished me good luck on the exam. I wrote him that I do have plans for him and I asked him if he invites me today. You know what he replied? No baby, I would like today to drink beers after class. I'm going to watch football. Come to the game. I said I do not have time. He has not offered to drive me. He has a car available. When Yura gets me angry I want to go with someone else. Even with Zhenya Kami: In July I want to go to see my mother. Everything depends on the trip to Saint Tropez and Seychelles. If nothing comes out of it I would have gone in early July for approx. 10 days, and if I go to Saint Tropez I do not know when. Most likely in August. Kristy urges Kami, she invents a way to annoy Yura, so that it hurts him. Kristy asks Kami on progress in driving and when she plans to get a driving test. Kami says she practiced with Dima maneuvers but lacks confidence and does not feel dimensions of the car. She feels best on empty road. Dima also adds badly for her well-being because when he drives and performs a maneuver he says - I wonder how would you do it? He does not do to annoy her but she is irritated and lacks in confidence. He is good at it and she is hopeless. Ok 22:15 Kami starts talking about behavior of Dima. Kami: I do see. When I kiss him he corresponds but he never starts. At the moment, I try not to aggravate the situation and but now I want to lead to a serious conversation. When it comes to sex, I'm in shock. She recently spent a lot of time together with Dima. Where she was on period, sex was not in the picture. On the other hand, when the period is over and they were in the apartment Dima lay down and fell asleep immediately. She was agitated. She felt unpleasant to 6:00 and could not sleep. He did not make love to her and fell asleep. Kami: As a girl I can not ask him why he does not make love to me. If I tell him that he has to fuck me I wouldn't feel better. Later jokingly I gave him a hint that my period had finished the previous day. He said that how could he know about it. I said that he should have noted that I didn't use any pads. I did not tell him directly what I mean but the suggestion was clear to him. Kami: We went out of town. Dima went swimming and I was suntanning on the beach. We returned home, watch the movie again and .... . zero reaction .We watched, watched and nothing .... . All the time I thought about it, the point is not that I want to sleep with Dima, but I want to fuck and do not fall asleep alone in bed. As a result, however, I was alone. He said that it is already 2:00 and he has to get up at 9:00 to work, and if we go to him, I wouldn't be able to sleep long enough. In the past there would be no problem. He would say that we're going and in the morning he would drive me home. Formerly he used any spare time to have me. And now he says that "you do not like to get up early ....". It's just an excuse. I understand if I worked day and night and needed sleep, but I can go to sleep at any time. Previously, it had not happened. I thought that I would not persuade him but everything in me tempestuous, that meeting Anna did not work out, Dima behaves like that and me want to fuck. Dima noticed that and said he was guilty. I tell him that he could suggest that we go to him. Dima: But you won't have good sleep. I said that it was my suggestion . Almost we get to my apartment, and he says, "Let's go to me." I say: You say it now when we're almost in my place. Dima: Let's go. I thought it would be better. We went to his place, we watched the episode and about 4:00 we went to bed. We lay down and I see that he goes to sleep. And I told him yesterday that my period already ended. We watched the show and he was not interested in me. He wouldn't start fooling with me around other people. It is always later when we are in bed, slowly ... And here nothing again. I'm waiting ... He is not stupid, yesterday I told him almost in plain text, it's time to have sex. He turns around and goes to sleep. I lie down, I want to cry, and I'm sorry. I lie and I do not think I could sleep and have to get up soon. I woke him and said that I can not lie down with him and told him to go to another room. He asks what's going on. I said: Are you dull? Dima during the day I have everything explained to you. Kami say when she says something he understands but is silent and does not try to justify himself. Kristy suggests that he may have some problems with his penis. Kami: He tried to stroke me. I told him to stop. I've never had this problem that men do not want to fuck me. Rather, I was afraid to get fucked to death. And here I got him. That night a little calmed down and told him to get out. Dima: Well, what's up with you? Kami: Go away from here. Dima went out of the room. I masturbated. It was great. I'm a little relieved. I went to him and lay down beside him. I wanted him to hug me but he turned away from me in his sleep. I went back to other room. I do not know in which direction it is going. If the matter again comes on the same track. I told him that it seems to me that everything returns to its previous state. He said nothing. He can not seriously talk. Seriously talk begins only when our relations threatens to rupture. With him, nothing is serious and that is why I feel freely. But sometimes I'm fed up. In his behavior I find an excuse for myself, "If you do not want to fuck me then I find a lover." Kristy: Oddly everyone wants to fuck me and not you. Kami said to Dima, For me sex is not so much important as far as me feeling desirable. Even when you chose fool around with me and I'll tell you that I have my period, then we won't have sex but I will feel a girl worthy of desire.
  5. Kristy said something about a trip to Azores islands in July, Kami will go to Saint Tropez if she gets her visa on time. Plus she wants to go visit her mother with Kristy.
  6. Kami said before that what she likes about Dima is that he does not insist on frequent sex as other guys.
  7. Forgot to add that last night Kristy was on date but not with Yura or new guy Zheka but there is another guy very fond of her who gave her flowers before and so on. Winner takes the prize...
  8. Kami said on the phone that Kristy went today to see her parents and might not comeback. She was telling D he can stay for the night but looks like they changed their plans and either they're going somewhere or she is staying over at his place.
  9. It doesn't matter, Julia has been coming to this apt for long time, bottom line he is a fucking cheater.
  10. I don't think both girls are good friends of Dasha, D&D prefer not to interfere and play safe. All we need right now is the other girl to show up.
  11. I'll bet she is not aware of what's going on, in the past they had some jealousy fights, D&D keep their mouths shut while they know he is fucking the other girl when Julia is not around.
  12. OMG, so looks like Julia is unaware that he is cheating on her with the other girl. She is in the shower and he is fingering her. Btw. He fucked dark hair girl on the weekend and now he is fucking Julia in the shower.
  13. Guess he has to find another job which doesn't require computer work as part of the job.
  14. There was some misunderstanding between Angels & Kamila 11.06 17:18 Kami talks with Dima on the phone in the living room. She says she woke up, got up and said hello to the girls went into the kitchen to eat breakfast and now Kristy says that the girls saw it as an expression of displeasure from Kami, and that it's all their fault. Later, they quickly dressed and left apartment. Kami does not understand what's going on because she did not do anything wrong just went to the kitchen eat breakfast. Approx. 18:35 Kami sends a message to Kristy: Imagine something like that. My guests came Dima, Seryozha, Katya as it usually happens. You come tired from work. We want you to play with us and you say that you want to sleep and leave. They get up and leave. I write to you, because of you they never come again. How would you feel in this situation?
  15. Guess they could find someone more attractive.
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