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Everything posted by kitek

  1. The other day Aida said that her boyfriend is fat. He should be on a diet but he keeps on over-eating. She praised him that he is very caring. He looks after the apartment. Apparently she moved in with him after 2nd day of knowing him.
  2. She wrote on her bedroom door : Princess's room btw. she is 23 years old.
  3. Yesterday Kristy was at a video shoot. She played a role of a woman who was abused by her husband and she murdered him at the end. She liked one guy there and was flirting with him.
  4. She bought her mother a dress & her grandmother will get her paintings as birthday presents.
  5. She is leaving tomorrow for couple days to see her family. Her return .date may change.
  6. I don't know if you noticed but lately A&D didn't go party that often, they agreed to take a break, day or two to recover before they go again. Danaya said they got to know some DJ who has his own place where they had after parties to early morning hours.
  7. Right before she left with Nastya she called her BF. She said that Nastya visited her and they're going out for a supper, she should be back around midnight. She is leaving tomorrow and her flight should arrive about 1pm. It's her birthday and she was sad because she is alone.
  8. She was talking to Danaya about a trip when she arrived, apparently she is going home for a visit and hopefully will be back in couple days. She just talked to her BF about things she forgot to buy for him and then to her mother about clothes she prepared for tomorrow but didn't mention about anything else.
  9. She committed herself to him and really hopes it works out, they have ups and downs as most couples, it all depends how he plays the cards to have or not future together. You can think whatever you like but you can't read what's in their heads, especially being on camera for everyone to see.
  10. Kami is afraid that he could touch her ears in his sleep, he understands and agreed to sleep in the guest room.
  11. Kami will have a visitor tomorrow that will stay for 2 days plus her boyfriend is coming over tonight.
  12. 3-17-2016 Aida on the phone: Years are flying by and nothing changes. I understand that you have to lose childish naivety, together we can conquer the world and become rich. Unfortunately this will not work. Now I'm with him, it is all well and I will not change anything for now. If life puts in front of me other requirements then I think about, but I do not intend to change anything, because nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Big love keeps us connected but time will tell what will happen.
  13. She said that she doesn't drink at all only some wine occasionally. btw. it appears that she knows Ilona.
  14. Adele doesn't have boyfriend and new girl doesn't do much between talking to him all the time. Plus she is scared of the bathroom. Adele didn't have problem with the nudity do begin with.
  15. She just said that guys invite them and offer free dinners but she didn't give any other details.
  16. Aida often talks with her boyfriend. She tells me what she's doing now. She said she is going to the club tonight. She promised that every day she will send him a video of herself so he doesn't miss her. In addition, she tells him all the time that she loves him, they say they miss each other, send each other kisses. Last night Danaya explained to Aida how the system of free dinner works.
  17. She said last night on the phone about some incident in the kitchen, smoke, they had to open all the windows. She had problem with operating the stove. So something happened off-line. Adele was helping her with the stove. Everyone draws conclusions that A&D is the problem but it looks like it's the opposite. She is isolating herself.
  18. The conversation in the kitchen concerned the bath. Danaya said that when she arrived, she expected cabin shower through which not much would be seen. At most, a piece of the breast. And now she got used to it and is not ashamed to even shave. Seems that Aida has a big problem with showering. Cameras died btw. I wonder what information they were given by RLC before they accepted coming to this place.
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