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Everything posted by kitek

  1. Danaya is without a boyfriend for 3 years now, her problem is that she looks for ideal guy which explains why she is alone for so long. Her boyfriend needs to be taller so she can look up at him, green eyes. He needs to control his emotions, she needs to feel safe and trust him. He can't scream at her if she does something wrong but just give her a look and she would understand she needs to stop, explain things to put her on right track. He needs to resolve all guy's problems. Financially and physically. He can't ask about her past. How many guys have you been with? etc. D: Everything is complicated. Obviously I would have to adjust to him. This is my basic problem. If he is dear to me I'm willing to do it.
  2. Ilona is not feeling very well, she had bad headache for last two days. Also she had pain in her right breast apparently because her period is coming.
  3. Some background info. She has finished studies on university, knows few languages and works as a fashion designer. She has a popular fashion site. She wants to watch Spanish fashion during her stay in Barcelona. It's not her first visit in Barcelona as she knows the area. She told Danaya that some guy is going to visit her in Barcelona, he is 28 year old very well known lawyer. Adela: I'm getting mad when people wonder why I don't have a boyfriend and how is that possible. Like it was mandatory. Some known soccer players proposed twice to her but she rejected them. Her friends told her that she is stupid as these guys are famous and rich but nobody asked her if there was any chemistry between them. They have to understand it's my life. Adela has registered lingerie design business, she showed her bra designs to Dayana. She has designed bras for her friends with large breast. Also she has worked in US for a year.
  4. She regrets that she let all her anger go at the taxi driver, her friends had everything arranged for the birthday in a restaurant even got her a driver to pick her up from the airport.
  5. Her flight was canceled and they didn't return her 30 euro for the luggage, she was asked to pay extra 50 euro for next flight. She made a scene and left. She spend 40 euro for a taxi. She could live for 2 weeks for all the money she lost. She is very mad, she didn't sleep at all. That's her worst birthday so far.
  6. Last night Ilona came back later because she was shopping with some guy. He promised her to buy her a bag but she didn't find anything she likes. She went shopping with him again today. Ilona was impressed with him because he didn't say what she can or can't have. Danaya: I understood one of my mistakes. In the past I thought that if I'm meeting someone I have to commit to something and I was breaking up a lot and had them on my black list even though I could hang out with them as a friend. Young and stupid. Ilona: Understand if they offer something you take. Danaya: I the past I thought that if someone gives me something he wants something in return and it might be bad for me. Now I understand it's not like that. Ilona: In each relation you must set the boundaries. Then guy will know that you are normal girl and you won't demand right away things from him. Ilona then was quoting someone that if a woman wants something she should say something nice to a guy then ask for things. Danaya commented that if you want something you must offer something in return. That's what she believes in. Ilona said that same guy she was shopping with was asking about her. She said she should go shopping with him.
  7. I'm not sure of what social media posts you are talking about but if you referring this to my post this has nothing to do with social media, this was recap of some of their conversations.
  8. Well, Ilona and Danaya are working for some recruiting agency, Ilona was saying all the girls she recruited are on contracts. She has a guy that is taking care of her, spoiling her with presents etc... apparently she spend new year with him. She would marry him if he was younger so she treats him as a friend only. She got the dog from him. Ilona's birthday is in 4 days, she doesn't know yet but most likely she will have the birthday in the apartment. Ilona was reading some text messages on her phone of guys that want to go out with her then she commented they only want to sleep with her. Danaya likes Ilona's room. Ilona asked her if she will move in when she leaves but she said that she already unpacked so she won't. Ilona will buy candles so both will bath tonight.
  9. Too bad Lera wasn't allowed to get her lover move in and let Alex go.
  10. That room has the horrible lightning. It really sucks that she has moved so quickly from the best bedroom for close up views.
  11. I guess she doesn't even shower in this apartment anymore since they saw the pictures posted on the net.
  12. New girl is one of Ilona's friends she invited to join RLC, some people should take chill pill, by now everyone should know Ilona likes to play tease games with her friends...
  13. She had two more of her friends to join RLC but they couldn't because of their schedules.
  14. If you paid attention on my updates you would know that all the girls except Sara/White are Ilona's friends who joined RLC because of Ilona. There is nothing to interpret, they are just good friends.
  15. Update on last night out: They went clubbing and were invited to VIP section. Drinking most expensive champagne. Apparently someone was taking up-skirt pictures of sleeping drunk Ilona. One guy was thinking she is prostitute and was asking for a price. Ilona gave her phone number to some guy. She doesn't remember anything else. Next day she was getting messages & pictures from some guy. She was flirting with him on the phone. Layla remembers only that she was kissing someone but doesn't know who was it, that made her miserable next day. Ilona and Layla got lost in the crowd. Irma found Layla sitting with some guy crying on his shoulder. Anna found Ilona and got her home. Anna managed some guy to pay for the taxi. Anna wants to go back there next time.
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