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Everything posted by kitek

  1. All 3 girls are friends of Ilona she got them to come and join RLC, she had 2 more to come but they couldn't because of their schedules. She was waiting for Sara & Vala to leave so they could come. Last night Ilona was telling long story how she got robbed in a hotel room, they stole everything she had except her passport. She also told that she lost her virginity after 3 tries. Anna had a boyfriend for 5 years since she was 16 and was about to get married when things went wrong and they broke up. Layla is from Kazakhstan and their families are very conservative socially/religiously, when she started having sex with her boyfriend for the first 2 years she was washing herself very hard as she felt very dirty each time.
  2. (The Video Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed)
  3. They don't realize that inhaling all that smoke is worse than smoking
  4. These candle light baths/showers start to be really annoying :no:
  5. Julia & Gavin got married and had car accident. They showed up day later because of that. I saw Gavin showing his ring to Petra.
  6. After new year European Union is going to allow Ukraine, Georgia and Kosovo citizens to travel without visa Ilona got very excited about the news. Ilona: will be able to travel
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