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Everything posted by kitek

  1. Your impression is totally wrong because she is nothing like it.
  2. What problems? What's the problem with Adele that nobody would live with her?
  3. Forget about frontal views, she doesn't want to show any nudity.
  4. I think she is talking with her boyfriend on the phone saying what terrible experience is the presence of camera in the bathroom. She was always with her back to the camera and she could not turn. She was so terrified she was sweating from the experience. Apparently there was some smoke in the kitchen not sure if she caused it.
  5. Also time where a lot of information about the new arrival we couldn't hear.
  6. 03/14/16 23.50 Last night in the living room after body painting. Danaya sits down on the couch and says: I know what I want. But I can't have it. I wanted a lot of sweets but now I want sweet penis. It sounds so stupid. I am sober. It's so strange. Adele laughs: "Cravings. You can not help it". D: In general, I'm weird. All these drawings. Girls with hairy legs, underarms. A: Do you like guys unwashed, unshaven. Yes? D: I do not know what I like. With my cousin we were in the same class. We had a mania. We watched porn a lot. During the lessons we were drawing lesbians kissing each other. A: In which class? D: In the fifth. We had a whole notebook of such drawings. And this idiot took the notebook home. Her mother checked the notebook and saw it. And I was blamed for everything. Her mom told my mom. It was not the first time. They caught me watching porn in kindergarten. A: In kindergarten ?! D: My sister showed me pornography. I told about it my cousin. "When parents are gone we will watch it again." And she told her parents about it . Her parents told mine, and when they came to my home, they asked, "Danaya what is your favorite movie? What are you watching at home with Dasha? We have heard that there are bare aunts and uncles? " What a shame. Adele: I always watched pornography with the guys. They brought the cassette and we watched it. The guys and only me. One by one we were standing on guard making sure that no one comes in. Adele looking at the painting on her chest: "It's itchy." Danaya: Can I take pictures? Without face.
  7. The other day she talked to Ilona in the bedroom. She was telling her that she send presents while Adele went home for a visit. That they go clubbing together. She told Ilona she wants to come back in August to Barcelona as she wants to have a plastic surgery done, not sure what she wants to do. They talked about their agency problems. etc.
  8. 11/3/16 After returning from the party Friday morning Danaya was on the phone. Initially, the conversation concerned work. Later they spoke about a boyfriend. Danaya was crying during the entire conversation. D: This is a big problem. He doesn't speak English ... D: I even cried today. He went with us to the dinner. I was so ashamed that I drank. So ashamed, I went to play with other guys. He was offended and left. And then I sat and cried. D: What do I do? I really like him. He is very handsome. D: He totally did not understand English. We met glancing at each other. Throughout the night we kissed. And the next time we met I was ashamed to even look at him. D: I do not know if he likes me or should I stop thinking about him. D: But I take her example. She (Adele) hang out with other guys and her guy still was with her. And my guy got offended, and went home. D: She (Adele) conducts a different policy. If the guy doesn't pay attention to you then you should not worry about it. D: It turned out that we were together at the club and by the fact that we don't understand each other .... I was close to him a bit but it was kind of strange. And it's not that I went and kissed the other guys. I just stood with the others or danced. D: I do not know what she meant by matters of the heart. This means that I have run after him or what? D: I understand that we're different. You say to imitate her behavior. If she even goes fuck with someone else they will still be with her. And I just look at someone else and and they leave me. During the conversation comes Adele and says: Whatever happens I still love you. Why are you crying silly? D: Guess? A: Stupid, stupid. Adele goes out for a while and Dana ends the conversation. D to A constantly crying: You do not understand. I usually don't find anyone that I like. A: He is not worth it. Why cry. Even if you like him. D: Once again I tell you that I usually don't find anyone that I like. A: So you should cry because of him? D: Because I liked honest man. A: Come on, why you cry because of him? D still crying. A: His friend is in general an asshole and will tell him everything. D: You can write to him and ask him not say anything. A: No, nothing will come of this. He will tell him that she wanted him not to tell, they are friends. It's just like I would tell you not to tell. Adela imitating herself. "You do not tell her anything. Of course I will not tell her so. " Danaya starts laughing through her tears. A: It is better not to write. Maybe he forgets. Next Adela tells about a conversation with another guy who told her that he knows about her kissing with Souli. D: How can he know. A: Apparently Souli babbled. D: Completely frivolous. You licked with him and he babbled. A: I just kissed him on the lips. D: I saw it. (Shows how it looked) A: I kissed him on the lips. You do not understand the difference between a kiss and lick? D: I saw it. A: After all, he was back to you. Danaya still shows what she saw. A: laughing, defaming me and I am still friends with you. A: You are stupid, stupid. Danay crying again: And are you kidding me. Danaya cries and says that she is unwell. Later, the girls talk about other guys. It turns out that Danaya likes more than one guy. Adele: I wonder what they think about the fact that we live together? Danaya: They know that we hang out with guys. Then, again, the discussion of who's who to kiss (or lick), and how. Each of the girls remains with her own version. Danaya goes to sleep. After a moment comes Adele. For some time talking about other things and then again begin to argue about the same things as before. Dana says that these guys don't ask girls for regular date. Adele: Here all come together in the evening. Partying until morning. They sleep during the day. There is no other life here. None of these people work. After the sleepless nights they wouldn't be able to do anything else. You can only wake up in bed together. 3/12/16 Danaya believes that if a guy likes a girl he should ask her out for a date and tell her what she can expect from him. Next talk about some guy Ali, with whom Adele is flirting (I do not know how to define their relationship). Adele says that she is in foreign country and has a right to meet different people. Ali has no right to judge her. Dana says that Adele should change tactics. Agrees that she should meet with a lot of guys but they should not know about it. In contrast, Ali sees everything what Adele does with who she is talking and how she behaves toward other men. He saw how Adele drank in the bar with a stripper. He saw how she kissed Julio. D: you brought him a gift and you hang out with other guys. He probably knows that you kissed the hat guy. A: He probably told him about it. They probably talk about us. That's why Souli several times asked me whether he is my boyfriend. Further more endless discussion on who they kissed, who tried more than kissing etc.....
  9. The other day she argued with her mother as she he gave away info on place of her stay to some girl, her mother was under impression it was ok but Danaya wasn't ok with that.
  10. Danaya said she will not go out party until Adele returns. Danaya is afraid to sleep alone in the apartment. Danaya dictated Adele message to a guy: Our relationship should not develop so quickly. I'm not yet convinced. No sex ... for now. They commented on different bunch of guys. Adele: One group wants only drink and have sex and the second is more enjoyable. Danaya: The second group I really liked. Adele: This guy in baseball cap was so funny. And the other in the sweater. Danaya: They are such jokers. Danaya: When you leave for good I will party with Christian. He probably knows that I like him.
  11. Kami didn't go to the casting as it was canceled right before she was going to leave. Earlier, she talked with her mother and criticized Rita, she is 25 years old and instead look for a job she is taking money from her parents. She parties all the time. For no reason goes to Spanish course that nowhere is needed. Kamila would understand if it was an English course.
  12. Rita was visiting mainly to get her visa for her Barcelona studies. Initially she was going to stay for 2 days but problems with the documents made her stay longer and meanwhile she was working and party as much as she could. Kami is getting ready for a casting she plans to attend today.
  13. Adele was talking on the phone with a friend from Ukraine. She told her that she will leave Barcelona on March 2 and return March 5. She arranged meeting with her when she arrives in Ukraine. Last night they were at 4 clubs and a restaurant.
  14. Kristy went to the movies leaving the lover birds alone. They invited friends tonight to play cardboard games.
  15. You know she has visa problems so she can only travel and stay in places for short time. Her parents called and urge her to come to sign some documents related to housing issues. Trip home would be around March 10. She originally planned to be in Barcelona for a month and after receiving a visa she wanted go to London but now she wants to stay longer in Barcelona. She met a guy who built a hotel chain in Cambodia and Vietnam. He invites her to visit him for 2 weeks. She does not know what to decide.
  16. Since they started going out together Danaya wants to go out more often, problem is that for some reason they can't get in the clubs they want.
  17. Adele wants to go home for couple days as she needs to take care of some important things.
  18. Danaya talking to someone on the skype today complained about Adele. Apparently when they go out together all the attention is directed at Adele, Danaya is not used to that as she is used to receive all the attention on nights out. She called her "energetic vampire" She talked about a guy she met 2 days ago that was interested in her but she was not fond of him as she found him too gay. He invited her to Milan in Italy . While they were drinking someone gave her to try smoke some drugs, she didn't like it, she prefers alcohol.
  19. Rita is working at some lingerie trade show, every 15 minutes girls come up on stage and get pictures taken. She was offering Kami to work as a hostess for 2 hrs but she wasn't interested.
  20. She talked about it when she arrieved http://camcaps.net/index.php?topic=8323.msg222004#msg222004 also you can see some of her new designs on the wall in her room.
  21. This morning he was in bed playing with the laptop and she was not impressed that he doesn't pay much attention to her. She was about to leave the bedroom and he asked where is she going? Kami: I got nothing to do here so I go talk to Kristy then later same thing happened when she returned to the bedroom. Kami: I got nothing to do here so I go make pizza.
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