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Everything posted by kitek

  1. That's not true, her departure had nothing do with bringing guy over, other girls have done in the past and none of them were evicted for that reason. You should know that after all.
  2. Today A & D complained about the hangover. They came to conclusion that they should not mix alcohol and preferably do not drink. Adele said that it was better this time because unlike the previous night out she remembers everything.
  3. Can't you read what I just posted or you need special translator? For a second time: He posted question in one of the topics http://camcaps.net/index.php?topic=8231.msg226405#msg226405 then he send me PM asking about the same thing? Some French guy responded to him by PM and how is that related to me? :screwy: Honestly I don't care what you and Noldus think because you have no proof of what you accusing me. If you're bored go play Sherlock somewhere else.
  4. This is getting insane with the accusations, I saw question from Noldus in one of the topics then he PM with same thing, he got answer from some French guy which apparently is now me? What a joke. Now you say I post translations in entirely different language, I wonder what language is that? To translate on CC everyone needs your blessing otherwise they can not be trusted? :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: :screwy: I can't please everyone can I?
  5. Who the hell is lucas69 because you seem to know more than myself? Search doesn't even find such a member. Please don't spread false :BS: about me as you have no idea what you're talking about.
  6. Kami mentioned she has condoms in the apartment but that doesn't mean she will do anything with him on cam.
  7. One of Rita's paintings bought some foreigner but she had lots of problems with sending it abroad as the painting was big in size and it needed legal papers that it doesn't represent historic value. She was explaining in details all the problems with the shipment. After she came back from Barcelona she had to drink one bottle of wine everyday for some time. Kamila said when she was there with Kristy they were drinking wine everyday. Rita wants to study Spanish, she already got admission papers. She is in Moscow to get her legal papers and visa. Kamila asked her if she wants to live there and she said yes. For last 3 weeks she was working in London but she had to return back home because she couldn't get her working visa for longer stay. She worked as manager assistant in cosmetics company. They paid her for English course but she only went for a week of studies. She met some guy who cares a lot about her and helps her with everything. Rita was telling about Milana. She returned to Spain in September and she studied there. She met Italian guy, she spend one weekend in Paris with him, second in Switzerland, third in Prague then he proposed to her. Milana told him that they need to live together before she says YES, so she moved in to his place. They went on New Years day to meet her parents in Moscow and she is getting all her legal papers to get married next month. Rita: Can you believe it? I'm so excited as if it was me getting married.
  8. She didn't say anything about husband as she doesn't even have boyfriend.. I don't understand why you spread false rumors but that's your choice.
  9. Danaya told Ilona that she has not been in such a bad mood for long time. When she wakes up in the morning she hopes that the day would end again. She would only eat and sleep. In Barcelona she could do same thing she does back home. Go to the club twice a week, get her nails & hair done the only difference is that it cost a lot more in Barcelona.
  10. Ilona told Danaya that she has a problem, she likes two guys but they're best friends. Danaya jokes that she should sleep with both of them then decide which one she likes better.
  11. They told police that they are actors and they were practicing for a play. Zoya tried to invite the police guy to see the play this Friday. After police left they were surprised that neighbors called police saying they are always very loud, playing music, dancing and singing.
  12. That's not true they told police that they are actors and they were practicing for a play. Zoya tried to invite the police guy to see the play this Friday. After police left they were surprised that neighbors called police saying they are always very loud, playing music, dancing and singing.
  13. This isn't first fight it was much worse when he was drunk.
  14. The dog was mentioned not the sex, another BS to make the girls look bad. None of them had sex in Barcelona from all the conversations that could be heard.
  15. Danaya asked Ilona how long could she go without sex: I: I had 2 years break D: I had 2 and half
  16. Last night Adele asked Danaya to clean up the kitchen because it starts to smell badly. She said she will today because it makes her sick at the moment. Adele it makes me sick too. Adele told a story of a friend who couldn't kill the smell in the house after he left shrimps and went away for two weeks.
  17. Stop spreading your LESBO crap, she had a boyfriend before joining RLC but with TROLLS like you it never gets old, does it?
  18. Maybe some of you noticed that every time she comes back from her morning trip she has different underwear on. Maybe she goes for a swim each morning?
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