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Everything posted by albundy1089

  1. Same down here in Georgia. Every shop, restaurant and factory has a help wanted sign. Market pressure is going to get the $15.00 minimum before congress.
  2. A man is visiting friends in Alabama and decides he’s needs a drink so he goes to a local bar He walks in and orders a glass of wine. Everyone sitting around the bar looks up expecting to see a flamboyant Yankee. The bartender eyes him suspiciously and asks “ you ain’t from around here are you?” “No sir,” He says, “I’m from Minnesota” “ What the hell do you do in Minnesota” the bartender asks. “Im a taxidermist!” The man replies. “What the hell is that!?” The bartender asks. The guy says nervously “ I umm, mount dead animals” The bartender smiles and shouts out to the whole bar “ it’s ok fellas, he’s one of us!”
  3. I have assumed the building was like this with an inside (courtyard) balcony and street side balcony. There is a full length balcony outside of Mila and Lola's rooms. I think it was maybe Amina(?) spent half her stay sitting out there smoking.
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