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Everything posted by albundy1089

  1. Your thought is the logical thing to do, but as we have seen RLC seldom makes moves that make sense from a business point of view. There is also the issue of the B4 neighbors' that have become more sensitive to the noise from the parties and will call the police at the drop of a hat after about 11pm. For some reason the intown apartments have not had any noise issues with the neighbors. Except Carla & Yanni. That unit was abandoned due to neighbors and thieving guests.
  2. I would say they are "addicted" to the party and how much fun you can have when drinking, most social barriers can be forgotten for a few hours. I would say they (especially Gina since she is the one we know best) is not physically addicted to alcohol...yet. I have not seen any sign of her hiding or sneaking anything. But we don't know what she is doing on the balcony. In my case we found that my family seems to have the "addiction gene" in that once we were exposed to a addictive substance we crave it. I come from a long line of drunks and addicts on my fathers side. Luckily, I am the sole one to carry it on, and it's going to the grave with me.
  3. As a recovering alcoholic (29 years, 11 months sober-I just figured that out. I'm almost 30 years) I find it hard to watch. I was about their age when it took over my life. I have pissed in the wrong place, passed out in the shower, done things in the car (no DUI's) and many of the other things they have done. I feel for the issues , physical and emotional, they are setting themselves up for later in life.
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