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Everything posted by albundy1089

  1. I noticed that and thought I was going crazy. Thanks for pointing it out!
  2. This right here. Harley, I really respect your opinion on many matters of RLC. I have no problem with you railing against RLC and spouting your conspiracy theories about them. But... There is a line between disagreement and belittling those who may not agree with your opinion. The entire tone of your post history is rude, crude and disrespectful towards the other members. That is not what we signed up for as a place to relax and have fun. As somebody that supports this site by paying for a membership, it frustrates me that a non-supporting person can just wander in and disrupt an entire thread. Now I guess you'll give me the finger emoji and a big Fuck You.
  3. I have to admit, I'm tired of Radislava sitting around with her crotch pointed at the camera. It would be nice if she would do something, besides pretend to masturbate, once in a while. Beautiful woman, but damn she's boring.
  4. Leora claiming her house back by bating in Malia's room.
  5. Just stop this! You're being too logical, which is not allowed on CamCaps!
  6. Well, you have to give Hannah credit for warning her and offering a drink☺️. She should also get extra credit for showering and brushing her teeth after fucking, sucking and swallowing him.
  7. You have opened 10 different subject with about 1 comment each. We know you love Radislave, that's fine with all of us. That's what these boards are for😀. But please don't clutter up the board with new thread after thread, all with the same subject and no comments. @StnCld316 is it allowed do a merge with this platform and under the rules? Thank you!
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