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Everything posted by albundy1089

  1. Mila is cute, but hell to the no to the other two. Lola has more gray hair than me. It's a statement on how far gone this apartment is, that this is the first comment in 21 hours, and even RLC cares so little that they still have Anna on vacation until July 12.
  2. My take on B4 now that it's full. Vivian, She marches to her drummer, and that's OK because she is real about it. Tesla, Started strong but needs Eli to play off of. Nobody there is strong or brave enough to keep up with her when she is on. Nana, Confused girl learning about her self and how far she will or will not go. Three real women that all have distinct personalities, but get along like real people would. Lia & Mia, Didn't like them the last two visits. Ultimate poser/showgirls. Now in decent light, you can see the hard life they are living in their faces. They even walk across the room like they are doing a show on a stripper stage and their every move is a pose. Their daily life is as real as a strip club. Nelly & Bogdan Didn't like them in Russia, like them less now. Every time I see them the theme song from "Mr. Ed" goes through my mind. And not just Nelly, Bogs (from the back) looks like a horses rear since his last haircut.
  3. And without the Botox lips. Makes them look like porn ducks🦆. To me, not attractive at all.
  4. I would say you need to divide the management from the technical side. Their technical side is very good, as would be expected of a multi-national website. As is shown by their ability to code each feed so they can trace and ban individual users that post any kind of image. I think I see the code, I just don't know how to erase it. Their day-to-day management/human resources (to put it bluntly) sucks.
  5. I used Leora since she is the only one to make the move permanently. She was not my favorite when in Russia, but was a lot more interesting than she is now. Ulyana did great on her limited stay.
  6. That's why the old Russian apartments were fun and interesting. We had people with active lives that shared the portion we could see. They had interesting lives which made them interesting people to watch. Leora is an example of that. In Russia she was a normal person with a healthy, happy life who was fun to watch. Now she is a bored showgirl like the Barcelona apartments. And Gina is more interesting since she and Bruno moved out and resumed her normal life. (whatever the hell that is-that needs a whole thread)
  7. I was just thinking te same thing. I miss the cam that was above the aquarium.
  8. It's not logical to pack a suitcase when she can just carry everything down the elevator...Is it?
  9. That's either an older picture or she's going for the retro look. I haven't seen a duck-face like that since McKayla Maroney. 😊
  10. albundy1089

    Footy #2

    Thank you all for your insights this tournament, especially @ddhmfor his pre-game analysis. Using the observations made on this thread has given me a new level of knowledge about the game and made the journey much more enjoyable. So, England is up 1-0. Who should I be watching for? Do we really have to wait until November 2022 for the World Cup? Or do I have to settle for the Premier League snippets NBC gives us yanks?
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