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Everything posted by albundy1089

  1. THAT is a beautifully staged image of a beautiful lady
  2. How do you think the developed Buffalo Wings?
  3. Two guys are in a bar complaining how they can't pick up any woman When one points at a man sitting alone at the table. "Look at that ugly mug. We are both better looking, have nicer clothes and more money. Yet every night he take a woman home, sometimes two at the same time." "True that!" agrees his friend, "we try to talk to girls, get them interested in us. He does none of that, he just sits there entire evening, licking his eyebrows."
  4. I see things, but not any problem.
  5. Lets see if I can get these in the right place this time😕
  6. There was one on the fish tank wall before. I sent a request to replace it when the moved it, and got the usual PLC BS response. (they are trying to provide the best viewer experience, blah, blah, blah.)
  7. I know Stella came to Barcelona from Dubai. She had her luggage and a large bag from the Dubai Duty-Free Store when she arrived. It's logical to think she is not the only one to make that trip. I've just never seen it that obvious.
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