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Everything posted by Jawis

  1. No. I didn't watched this place much but it was suddenly gone.
  2. Soon it will be Voyeur House Got Talent..
  3. Bye bye Linda. Hello Katrin. Just hope that it won't be as her last visits. Sleep, sleep and again sleep.
  4. He got lucky... The other guy ain't. Val wasn't drunk. Since Marcus left she didn't do anything anymore.
  5. Send a ticket for for the cams. They moved the wardrobe cam to the bedroom.
  6. And send real barbie Burberry back. At least we then have something to watch in this boring place. Maybe it then goes from my (credits to Jabbat1987😀) Shitlist.
  7. Mister Scott is probably now thinking. I'm so happy and i get paid for it.
  8. Was Sofi's boyfriend not that red hair guy? Maybe he dumped her because of not getting any...She's now with another guy. As usual nothing happens.
  9. It's totally not interesting but i have to say you don't see this a lot. At least not where i live. A guy sewing his clothes.
  10. Night and morning. Lol. They had to archieved it. I don't think no one would have believed it. Like Bluewinner said. She turned in a little Nympho.
  11. I think he gives up now. He tried a second time but that also didn't last long.
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