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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. ... but don't post any spam link in my "quote" ...
  2. new guests and presentations in the apartment
  3. i guess they are with their families... but idk why any1 say us nothing
  4. i'd like to see Gess too (dressed like a girl) but fucking a girl
  5. seriously? ... she (i hope she's a "she") confirm the problem
  6. hehe it seems all french ppl won't learn english here (i'm joking guys, j'aime la france and les françaises)
  7. x2... i hope she come back soon ... indeed kira too
  8. i need to resub but i won't only for this and other 2 apartments ..if VH give me a discount maybe :D
  9. the washing machine is in the bathroom in the blind spot to bottom left of the cam
  10. btw... where are all people gone? yesterday i saw Kira only....
  11. have he fucked her with his dick? or just used the toy?
  12. in east europe and in russia many aparments use wallpapers .. about this decoration: i like it
  13. i said this apartment change continuously ... btw this blonde is pretty
  14. any sound from cams? you can hear what they are doing
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