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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. i hope to see all european politics here not western only but extended to all conutries of east till the Russia because 1/4 of russia is european .. from Theresa May to Putin ;)
  2. thanks @Amy3 she's beautiful in the role of a woman
  3. i miss Anna & Alex ... say hi to them too by all CC (CamCaps)
  4. is it still offline?... why so much time? Edit: it's back online now
  5. sorry guys i miss something... who is Zarina?
  6. why a gay want to feel his cock in an ass? i guess it's the same think...
  7. http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/ebs/live.cfm?page=1&sitelang=en (live from Council of the European Union )
  8. For who love politics like me and for European people who want write about their politics leaders
  9. they are not different by Siria (a not authorizated attack is illegal)
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