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Everything posted by yelt

  1. Wonder if she is finally done with Alberto..No matter what! Job or not! She needs to get it straight and let Alberto know she loves him but she is going to see date Michael!
  2. Looks like Alberto may be reading the forum or Marta (Martina's friend) had a talk with both Martina and Alberto. Alberto is going out with the girls. Outstanding! They are all going out again and leaving the dogs.
  3. Good Day Jman9212, I agree, it was good to see Alberto out with his girl and her not out all day and night at B4. It has to wear on Alberto , week after week, all you hear from Martina after visiting from B4 or from her trips with Nelly, listen to her talking about having sex and the orgasms with Nelly. Don't believe Alberto is cuckold. Alberto may not go out much with Martina but made an exception on Martina's special day. Blacky is nearing the end and they left him alone for 7 hours (no food, no bathroom break). For those of you that continue to say he uses the dogs as an excuse for not going out, where do they leave the dogs or with whom. I also very rarely see Martina cleaning or washing. Nor do I see indication of her saying "Thank you". Just complaints about him being a ni-ni or so it appears. Martina spilled her concerns with Nelly the other day at B4. Do you think it bothered her in the least to see her lover and husband kissing on the couch when entering from the patio on her Birthday. I wander if the information and crying by Martina has Nelly thinking about just how good she has it with Bogdan. Or maybe Nelly is showing some evidence of morals after all and may back off somewhat with the relationship with Martina? Also, even though the people on the forum talk about Nelly's smile, did you ever notice that none of the girls other than Gina, appear to like Nelly other than if they have to engage with her. Today is another day, a new day and I don't think the situation with her and Alberto has changed. Does he have a job? Does she realize her lover is happily married and loves her husband. Also, it looked like Alberto gave Martina a new phone for her Birthday. To me Martina's look was not of surprise or joy but more of what is this? If he doesn't have money, how did he buy the gift. Not with her money, phones are not cheap. Other than a box of candy, I've never seen Alberto give Martina a gift, not even flowers?
  4. I hope not..Alberto has done nothing to earn or deserve it!
  5. It appears possibly a big separation is in the works. I just hope when things start to escalate, RLC would respect the tenants enough to shutdown the apartment until something is resolve with either the relationship or the living arrangements.
  6. Martina's first mistake is confiding with ugly Nelly. It is partly because of her that the situation has escalated with A&M. They live separate lives now and it does appear she is very unhappy with Alberto, no matter what. I wonder if this is it! Time for Alberto and Martina to separate? If so, will Martina move to B4 until he finds a place to live or will she ask Alberto to leave. She could move into B4 which could make it difficult for her future plans and school. Thoughts.
  7. Good Day JM (if I may) It may almost certainly be that she is going to B4 for the day. He does care about her daily going to B4. He is also very concerned about Lucky and how much slower he is moving. He also appears not want to go out bu instead just lay.
  8. Thank you. Perhaps he (Alberto) is waiting patiently. Doing what he needs to keep some income coming in and his interim desires in check. But when the time is right he may give us all the middle finger salute as Martina does him. Everyone has sensitivity monitors and feelings as does he. On another note do you think he was invited to b4 to celebrate Martina’s birthday? I did not see anyone celebrate his birthday.
  9. JM, Nice response as always. While I believe it is evident Martina has the need for the passion (as do us all) and sex drive she seeks from the woman and men she has been with, I can not understand why she continues to stay with Alberto, if there is no love and to out of your her way to be so disrespectful. From what is evident on camera, Martina has fallen (by way of ugly Nelly) into what appears to be the similar "cognitive dissonance" as Nelly. Martina displays, encouraged by the Nelly relationship, a different attitude (not pleasant as before) and a changed in her behavior considerably. Perhaps it was alway there. Also seems to be some inconsistency in her manners and actions, perhaps influenced by ugly Nelly? For example, the change was very evident when ugly Nelly came over to A&M's Friday to go out; Nelly was brought direct to the bedroom from the entrance, bedroom door closed without a word to Alberto in the living room. The bragging about the orgasms, while Alberto laughed it off, as he has many times, could it really be hurtful. Martina is nearing 26 and she hopefully will begin school soon, and with school she will have a hugh eye opening experience. And if she doesn't wake up, use her brain, instead of being a follower of ugly Nelly, she may end up much like her; without friends. We all easily provide our off screen asset of Alberto; We all talk about him for what is recognized through the words and interpretation of the many on the forum. But are we the experts? I did notice about 2:46am, Alberto was looking at other apartments!
  10. Agreed! That’s the ugly Nelly way! “I do as I want, fuck who I want and you do as I say”
  11. I'd agree with you there. I hope he is fucking the shit out of someone besides ugly Nelly. Imagine if ugly Nelly found out? It would allow her to move in with bitchy Martina for the duration. The good pair that will spend all there time together and really find out what each other is really all about. Bog can not be satisfied with shooting cum on ugly Nelly's back all the time. Also, they are both getting up there in age. Is there talk of a real job or kids? Is a real job possible if all you have is a visa? Mostly won't happen but...we will all see, if we chose to continue to watch. But mayben this whole open relationship situations will work out and end happily ever after and off RLC. What if; Bog and ugly Nell will find themselves having to leave and with Martina so locked in, she will fall apart and perhaps with that goes the focus on school? Did we ever find out which school Martina and Nelly are attending? Also, why the long UM for A&M. Alberto's been gone as long as Martina but has not yet returned. Is Alberto out on a bike ride? Anyone know?
  12. I can't understand if these two (ugly Nelly and Martina) are so in love, can not keep there hand off of one another and continue to go on little honeymoons to be alone, why don't they just get it over with and get married. Both of them disrespect the guys they were with and only use them for the penis. They get paid by RLC so they have money. Make the leap! Any thoughts?
  13. Martina's friend has been having problems and has been missing for a few days now. It may have something to do with her? Okay, In the spirit of speculation, what if Martina is introducing her new boyfriend (Michael) to Alberto?
  14. Good Day jman9212, It is almost midnight so it most likely is not the cleaning. It could be the internet? But perhaps more to do with not showing family members or the under aged.
  15. Good Day Noldus, Good thoughts again! As much as Alberto cleans, the place it does need a good stream clean and for mold, spraying for bugs and a new couch.
  16. Thank you JenniferMom.. It is all in fun and speculation. 😀
  17. Thanks Noldus, I believe Martina does from time to time have conversation with her little niece. She may have come as a surprise to wish Martina a happy birthday. As much as I continue to dislike Martina, her attitude and the way she is handling the situation with Alberto, it would be nice for her niece and Martina. Although, she did have the opportunity when she and ugly Nelly were there earlier in the week. Again I am only speculating. I also wonder if her mom and dad are coming?
  18. Thanks Noldus, I believe Martina does from time to time have conversation with her little niece. She may have come as a surprise to wish Martina a happy birthday. As much as I continue to dislike Martina, her attitude and the way she is handling the situation with Alberto, it would be nice for her niece and Martina. Although, she did have the opportunity when she and ugly Nelly were there earlier in the week. Again I am only speculating.
  19. Thank you my friend. I didn't know the girls from Valencia knew the girls in Barcelona. Could it be (speculation) Nelly and Marta? 🙂
  20. Yes, I believe I heard in the forum about a couple parties; Of which the conversation may have initiated an argument between M&A. A party with her friends from Valencia and one for her friends in Barcelona. Not sure there couldn't be one be party? Could it be too many secrets? Perhaps that's it! UM for decorations?
  21. I would agree! But she has a point. Martina's friend has been having problems and has been missing for a few days now. It may have something to do with her?
  22. I see.. Thanks for the spelling correction (scope to scoop).
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