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Everything posted by yelt

  1. Agreed Staged may better stated. Thank you for that! And from what we see they may be BFF unlike the friends Martina has grown up with.
  2. I am 2 years older than Martina and concur with JenniferMom. Although, while everyone deserves some privacy outside of this RLC, perhaps there is something more going on with Alberto and Martina. Internally, with RLC they seem to be contractually obligated. So you see what you see, ie the fake night with Nelly.
  3. Perhaps Alberto is not involved because it is not only women she is doing but men as well.
  4. In celebration of Nelly and Martina being smarter than all of us and playing the great game tonight they have played; what if we boycott RLC a day or Nelly and Martina to show we are pretty smart too. Perhaps if they get a daily lowest rating, they might begin to listen.
  5. Alberto is very internet savvy (IPs, security, etc.) and he also knows he can watch Rlc apartments and as they both visit this site, it seems he was watching M&N fake show tonight. All about the money. Tonight Martina was not herself, so I hope Nelly is paying her for the night. I find that this show is no longer worth my time so I left a while back. I would rather see Martina and Alberto. So sorry, long response to what should have been a shorter answer.
  6. I think Martina and Nelly know exactly what they are doing. Continue to watch or not what they do and how they are playing all of us. What they do is a financial opportunity and most likely the only reason both Alberto and Bogdan agreed to this night. I never liked Nelly because I thought she help confuse Martina, taking her away from her focus of getting her life in order and going to school. Sure Martina is bi-sexual but Nelly as a married lady, has no morals. Martina worked so hard to get into a school with a career she likes and I hope her focus is still to go to school. Hey by the way Martina, I've owned a number of motorcycles and had numerous crashes to no fault of my own but the other person. Be wiser in what you are thinking about and doing whatever you need to do to get the cash for one. You just turned 26, young enough to screw up and old enough to take charge of the rest of your life. Keep your focus to get your education and you will become very financially stable. Videos do not disappear and the internet will be around longer than you and I (28) but you have to remain focus (have fun) but be smart as you are. Also, keep Alberto around he is smarter than you and I. Not everyone can write and implement a business plan. Sure it failed but Steve Jobs failed a number of times with Apple and continued to fight. Alberto has a good sense of life, business and knows you better than anyone. I have no doubt he will go through a couple jobs, find the right one and be very successful! And no matter how hard you fall and you may, he will always be there to pick you up, if you want him too.
  7. Really..what a crock. I will go back because I believe I heard the name again last night with the school girl friend. Perhaps not. Thanks
  8. They are only playing games..perhaps RLC is playing games. My membership is up in a couple days. I have hard thoughts to renewal. No need being teased by both N&M and RLC.
  9. Yes..thanks for the reminder. Well then I hope someone send a private copy to Bogdan and this Michael Martina is always talking about. He may like the show. It looks like Alberto is checking it out.
  10. Martina and Nelly; way too bad. And now I think the UM at A&M was all about this moment and getting back.
  11. I am hoping someone tapes this and send it to Bogdan. He is not the only one! Ever!
  12. Oh and without a doubt Martina is checking the forum!
  13. I would agree to that! I believe although Martina cares for Nelly, there will be no sex tonight at least on camera. I think this is all perhaps a show to get the RLC rating going? I also believe Martina has changed a bit over the past 3 or 4 weeks, in terms of maturity. And she does not want to be taken advantage of as Nelly is trying to do. No cake and eat it too? I also think Martina might head home? Who knows!
  14. Looks like the UM may have been for RLC to discuss with M&A if they could get back to having lesbian sex?
  15. Just a side note: A&M's puppy, Taco, still seems to be traumatized by his previous adventure. He is certainly not the same happy, jolly puppy!
  16. Does anyone know if he was able to perform, so he doesn't have to see Lola again?
  17. It is really amazing what some will do for fast or just plain money; Mostly because they want it or need it. As we are all voyeurers, sex really sells and Martina and Alberto may be into sex outside of RLC (especially Martina) and most of us have no clue to what is really going on with these two.
  18. I meant to say this has happened before but was not happening currently.
  19. Martina has been in the pool naked with Bogdan looking on from the kitchen!
  20. In my opinion, both of them need a whole lot more work than fake boobs will solve.
  21. When Martina paused at the door for a goody-by kiss from Nelly and, instead, Nelly moved her outside, beyond reach of the camera, it confirmed what I have been thinking for some time. Yes, the relationship is still very much continuing. And yes, we may never see it on camera again. I believe you are right. The relationship is still on but off camera? They start it up and then play hide and seek. Before Martina left she grabbed her pack back from the kitchen and went up the stairs to the room behind the front door. Some say there is an office up there or it leads to the garage. She then came back down to the kitchen with her pack back before staying goodbye to Bogdan throw her in the air and Nelly walked her out the front door. Does anyone know what lies in the room up the stair next to the front door? Drugs?
  22. So you are saying Bogdan is spending his away time with Holly and Nelly knows? How many off camera apartments are there? We know one where Nelly and Martina meet and now the one with Bogdan and Holly?
  23. Martina is sad because she could see Nelly? If Martina wasn't with Nelly and the girlfriend who spent the night went home. Where and who was Martina having sex with for four hours? Michael? Nah! She would be sad after being with Michael..would she? When she is in a bad mood, she sure takes it out on Alberto.
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