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Everything posted by yelt

  1. Correction: My gosh, it is going on 11 years together, 7 on RLC. Martina and Alberto should use this time to prepare for a good LIFE, away from the view of all of us on this forum and those outside.
  2. Nelly is ugly and two faced. I do not get the sense that most of the other girl like her but put up with her because of bogdan. I do not have proof of the two faced accusation I am making but in my eyes she is ugly. I have said it before Nelly is a married woman and doesn't respect those vows, nor does Martina respect them as well. But for both of them what goes around may eventually comes around. Secondly, if N&M were to move in together or continue this relationship with each other; Nelly has nothing to lose except Bogdan. Martina has a lot at risk of being in a relationship with someone so very unstable. Does Martina really want the headache Nelly will bring, the baggage, the pretense; And not being able to focus on her real goal of a career? Alberto is the better bet even without a job. He will get a job soon! Nelly is without a job, unstable, would possibly cheat on Martina as she has with Bogdan a few times, she is evasive, untrustworthy and can not control her alcohol. For Martina wouldn't it be better to help Alberto get a job instead of talking at him about not having a job? To train Alberto to make love to you as you learn to make love to him? All I see is a lot of pounding. Help to make him to be a better listener as you assert yourself to do the same. He is also very supportive as we have seen. My gosh, it is going on 11 years together, 7 on RLC. Martina and Alberto should use this time to prepare for a good like away from the view of all of us on this forum and those outside.
  3. Okay. Here is a wild thought. Perhaps the 3 are meeting with RLC to see how the new script affected the ratings, if they rocketed after the drama? Time for season 2.
  4. Thank you emnv. It is absolutely amazing you have captured so much information shared and confirm. Moosecini mentioned that Martini (with Taco), Nelly and Bogdan have left their respective apartments, perhaps under the direction of RLC. If this is the situation (IF), I wonder why Alberto is not involved to support Martina? If all is as Moosecini has mentioned as speculation, season 2 may begin.
  5. Good Day DDHM, Well said! I too would be happy they have come to there senses. I also agree that the only way for this relationship between M&N to stop completely is if N&B were to move away. I hope I am wrong. I am sure Martina will find another but learn from her experiences. Wishful thinking would be for Martina to commit herself completely to Alberto and for him to have a good job. And they move away from RLC as others have done. As for Nelly, I see her working towards pregnancy, until the bug bites again.
  6. I am trying to understand how that works..they will remain friends but no longer have sex? I am sensitive to Martina because I am more alert to her past tragedy and the new stressful situation she is going through now, but how does this one work. No more sex on camera? Can anyone confirm Martina told Alberto about what happened today?
  7. Good thoughts Deepdave. I remembered when Martina first told Alberto about Nelly and he ask her why couldn't she find a nice normal girl without baggage! They are a smart couple and they are lucky to have each other for support. Although, a hope this latest business decisions they made together doesn't set them back.
  8. Good Day Alberto, Martina, Just wanted to comment on how distraught Martina has been of late. Could it be thinking about the past, the stress of the future? Martina you are doing the best you can? Martina may be shedding tears and sharing with the wrong person but... When you read this note, I wanted to commend you both on the 10 years (going on 11) that you two have been together; Martina has put up with you (Alberto) and you her. It is obvious there is something there, whether it be something from the past that brought you two together and may have held you two together or the fear of being separate. Could it be for "love" and "understanding"? After 10 years no one will understand each of you better than you understand yourselves together. For so many couples that have been together for many reasons, they have persevered, some good times and some not so good times but you have both endured. Call a truce for a day! Martina has proven her courage, she is focus on the future and decided to make her life better, perhaps thinking better for the both of you. Alberto believes in you Martina, which he has shown with the support he had provided you when you were studying for the entrance exam. Yes, it is true there are some things he is not doing at this time, which he should but only you two know the reasons why. He will get it together! Alberto and Martina spend the day at the beach, go to the mall, continue your upbeat and supportive conversations, enjoy one another’s company, have a good candlelight dinner and enjoy! Get it together..Life is too short!
  9. Perhaps till death do us part is what Bogdan feels? I know some keep saying that Martina and Alberto have a strong relationship but how long can Martina put up with jobless, no ambition Alberto? I know there are, must be other things going on but do Martina and Nelly seem unhappy living like they are. Has anyone heard discussions of M&A being together to 10 years going on 11 and the future does not look good. What about kids? Or maybe they can live together and see other partners until the lawsuit has been resolved for Alberto. Do you feel M&N really know it other. I do believe that Martina will not get to know what Nelly is really all about until she can be with her more than now. It seems Nelly knows all about Martina but does Martina know all about Nelly?
  10. Good points. I guess you can't make money if you are not on camera. Although, did it seem this show was for the camera? I just watched some of entry into the apartment with N and Martina. Martina pulled out a near empty bottle of what appeared to be alcohol from her back pack. Could that mean they had the real sex session somewhere prior to arriving at Martina apartment? Also, why did they have the camera session with Alberto there; perhaps he gets paid a bonus as well for all the hit to the apartment? just a thought!
  11. As someone mentioned to me_If N&B return around the same time as Martina, they may have been in the same place. Did she invite them? I actually thought Martina was trying to convince Alberto to go but it doesn't appear he had any interest. I can understand especially if N&B were invited as well and after all the talk orgasm talk with Nelly was throw at him from Martina. Tracking Martina, Nelly and Bogdan_when will the truth of that relationship become evident. Will there be a match made between them?
  12. Yes wrong I was. However, I would think Alberto could do much more than a trip to Portugal and to help Martina pay for school by getting a job. Now that would be the best gift of all!!
  13. Oops...Thanks for the correction (Voyeur). Yes, we are all on a voyage which at times is somewhat adventurous. 🙂
  14. You are right "who cares anyway"! Yep! Friends with Benefits have no bounds. It is obvious they want to be left alone and should not have to sneak around off camera or make up stories for the voyagers here for them to be together. Most likely they are not together.
  15. I would be surprised if Elena shows up at all. And that the trip is really with Nelly.
  16. Nice response DDHM. On another note can our translators comment on whether Martina has a job?
  17. Good Day Emnv, Thank you for sharing. Do you know if Alberto will join in on the dinner Monday night? I hope he goes to Portugal but if he does not I can understand, if Martina is preparing separation from him. If all is true, Martina and Alberto decide to separate then do we know who will live in the apartment or will it close. As well I wonder if the dinner with N&B is a sign of separation from them. I can not think that if she is preparing to leave Alberto to be with Michael, he will agree to the relationship Martina is having with Nelly. Just a thought! Nelly and Martina will most likely always be friends but without the benefits. But I cannot see Martina no longer being bi-sexual.
  18. Thanks for responding. I would not say everything will end happy ever after, especially with the taste Martina has for sex. Unfortunately, because Bogdan nor Alberto have not placed a hard attempt to stop this thing between Nelly and Martina: It may take something extremely damaging to help them on the right or better path than what is occurring. I would enjoy seeing Alberto and Martina leave RLC and move on with there life, leaving this one behind and being very successful. I've seen a few other do that and even one get married, living happily. To become more mature, responsible with the desire and strength to change. It does not mean Martina will no longer be bisexual but perhaps do it with morality in mind.
  19. By saying the best is yet to come. Are you saying Alberto will get a job? In support of Martina I would give Alberto $100 us dollars/85 Euros if he gets a job by the end of the month!
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