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Everything posted by yelt

  1. As I review the events of yesterday, I am beginning to think more and more that Nelly and Bogdan and using Martina? She is young, bisexual and N&B may be using Martina to keep their status in B4. Thoughts? If they gave her the watch, it may be just a sign they are pulling her more into their possibly crooket world. What does giving one a gift in Russia mean? Does it mean you now owe something in return? What could be next if N&B are trying to set her up with someone, would it be prostitution? Martina as smart as you are, be careful? Stick with the one you know, Alberto. He certainly will not be able to help you if you are drawn into the N&B world. And you may think you do what you want. But N&B now own a part of you!
  2. Sorry. Guess I did jinx it. Nothing happen and Martina even when home. Was that the agreement between Nelly and Bogdan? Because Martina was packed to stay overnight. Anyone know what happened? Also, did the watch come from Nelly and Bogdan?
  3. In the kitchen when Martina was getting dressed after the naked swim in the pool.
  4. Why wouldn't Alberto celebrate Martina's Birthday? Wow! the plot really thickness's. Can someone translate what is really going on?
  5. So if Nelly is trying to set Martina up with someone, then Martina must have indicated she is unhappy with Alberto. Interesting? Maybe troubles sooner than later!
  6. Bogdan a tit man? Is that why Nelly has the fake ones? That has to be so annoying. Now comes Martina..Will he be able to play with those without Nelly getting jealous? Time will tell.
  7. Will Vivian get in on the action? The way she was looking at Martina's crotch..leaves some questions. Perhaps all planned to bring B4 back?
  8. I think both...Now what does that do to Alberto? When it happens to today and it will.. Will Martina tell Alberto? When Bogdan slips his penis into Martina will Nelly be all smiles? Martina will!! Wow. the soap opera begins. I hope that I am wrong but...She will spend the night as she brought her sleeping clothes.
  9. It will happen!! Again and again until someone get hurt badly! My first thought is for Martina to move in with Bogdan and Nelly to carry on the relationship but these kind of relationships will derail..badly. a month or two but it will derail for Nelly and Martina with school. RLC..
  10. It will be interesting to find out out about Mike? He may be the one she had sex with a while back or it could be someone they both know from the restaurant. Anyone know?
  11. Thanks for that! Martina and Alberto are a different couple! 😄 It seems no matter how pissed she it with Alberto and how much she likes to get into Nelly's pants, she may actually have a strong thing for Alberto and love him. Almost to the point if he said no more Nelly, she would stop. Not without push back, but I believe she would stop. What does he have over her?
  12. Yes. thanks. Leora knows how to bate and puts on quite a good show..Martina has yet to learn to bate and show. Perhaps in time. although she and Nelly put on quite a show. The 2 and 3 finger thing is going to get boring. Where is Leora's new man. Is she to picky or perhaps most men she meets watches RLC and don't want to get involved??
  13. No they aren't watching the apartment to see Alberto. They are watching to imagine they are in his shoes. She might have a nice body but leaves a lot to be desire related to sex. We see the same old same old. Sex seems to be the only thing you use to measure this relationship. Alberto's girlfriend is bisexual. She talks to Alberto about how she and Nelly have sex. How would you feel. Real passionate and loving. huh! Want to cuddle. huh! Emotionally fine. huh! Everything is fine huh! You are correct, she doesn't need him. But chances are you might get weary of seeing her flat on her stomach in bed bating, until Nelly comes over and they do the same thing over and over. If you are lucky, she brings home another guy too fuck, maybe have a 3-some.
  14. Do we know she will be older than most or is it that she just starting studying late? If most are older yes she will gain respect..maybe. As I mentioned students are much more intelligent than when I was going to school. They use computers and social media for everything! I will leave it at that! Although, living your life without care, without thought of consequence or as you desire might not be such a good thing. And thinking Alberto won't leave her..never say never!
  15. Good Day Mate, Nelly and Martina and not only lovers but friends. I am not sure anyone can tell if it bother either of the male partners, Nelly and Bogdan are married where Martina and Alberto are not. Again we can only see and speculate from what we see for example; Tonight Alberto and Martina were distance. It seem there was some discussion regarding the events with Nelly but only the interpreters can tell us. There seem to be some awkwardness when communicating and moving by each other. As to indicate perhaps some feeling of what had occurred. Also, each seem to be in thought. I now feel as though one of the reasons Alberto spends so much time sleeping on the cough at night may be due to that activities occurred with Nelly and Martina in the bedroom. Let see tonight? Could it be it is affecting him more and more? I would also say, she does care for him, is affection towards him when need be. He may in fact be her security blanket! They are both in a difficult situation in the RLC and I can not help but to think Alberto is thinking of a way out with or without Martina. But I also can not help but think she will be with him.
  16. I agree. People have many reasons why they do what they do. Martina too, has her reasons for staying with Alberto as she does for having sex with Nelly. He has reasons for doing what is does. But he earns his keep! Many in this forum do as do, speculate on the relationship of Nelly and Martina, Martina and Alberto. We do this, really without truly knowing anything other than what we see and envision to speculate. For Nelly and Martina, it is something they are (not bad) and have been attracted to each other, which brings them too being bisexual. They can not live with only a penis, and cannot live with only a vagina. Which also mean there are possible life choices to be made as well. And therefore, they find someone to accept them as they are. We all place too much emphasis on how Alberto performs in bed, his weight when we should look as well at what Martina has chosen as a female partner in Nelly.
  17. Adores him and can't fight the feeling. Nelly is a short term fix. Martina will meet much better in school. Martina will learn more about competition, integrity and respect. Perhaps the hard way. Let hope those she meets do not use or watch social media.
  18. So you say he needs her, she doesn't need him? Why do you say that? What does she do and where does she go without him? To live with Nelly? Find another roommate to put up with her? Live by herself, cook and clean?
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