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Everything posted by yelt

  1. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Perhaps you should work on your knowledge of the facts and what is being captured with the camera. At 23:50 Martina came home and left with Taco at 23:53. Alberto is taking the other dog out above. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  2. Agreed!!! Gina and Nelly were last seen together. Alberto just took the dogs out. Considering RLC, Friends and Colleagues should always spend time together. I thought school begins 0921? Guess I was mistaken. Thanks
  3. It is most probable! It has been a long journey with these two. Can someone explain why they don't just leave their respective others, get an apartment together and be done with all this nonsense. For poorer or richer, school or no school; if it is true love and they can't live without being just friends, stop the sneaking around and move in together. They will have what they want and live happily ever after. And of course they can't have the cake and eat it too! But who cares about Alberto and Bogdan, they will be okay and besides there is better out there for them than Martina and Nelly. Martina and Nelly have a full life ahead of them to make many more mistakes and there is also less chance of either of them getting pregnant.
  4. Martina up and does not seem happy. She dressed, a little perfume and out the door without the dogs. Does Martina have a job? Does anyone know if any of these RLC participants pay taxes?
  5. Good Day Jen, I hope all is well. A few days back I stated, "I am not sure anyone here can prove that Martina is, had or is not having sex currently with someone outside other than what we see with Alberto and N”. That still stands and we can only imagine or speculation without evidence. I was also told "Why would you think that your fantasies are proof of truth unless proven wrong. That's insane. She is acting like a relatively normal young bi-sexual female trying to make a living and at the same time trying to progress in the best way possible by getting a great education. Watch out world, Martina's going to do just fine, and I hope she continues to do so with Alberto. Now DD mentioned "there’s ABSOLUTELY no one knowing what Martina does since there are no cameras following her outside". DD is correct! I believe it was you that told me Martina may not be who we think she is, and I understood the good advice. I was also told the same from my family, but I changed growing up and believe others have the right and can as well. But here is a bit of news that might be interesting and can be proven through listening and viewing the camera over the past few weeks, Martina is no longer regularly taking the pill? And Jen you may be on to something, I believe those that do speak the language know exactly what’s going on with Martina and Alberto, yet are holding on to that information to possibly protect her privacy. Not sure why? It does appear that many here may be speculating there is something going on with Martina and Alberto; It may be there is something occurring or it may be that Martina and Alberto are so highly intelligent they have conjuncture up a plan to raise the viewing level to their apartment "without sex" for the RLC bonus. No matter, if Martina wanted her private life kept a secret, she would not speak of it openly on camera. Martina has a strong personality. If she wants something she will strive to get it and step on whomever is in her way. I think Alberto understands, he must understand, she pays him to understand. I also believe Martina wants all to know what she is doing and has wanted that for some time. And does not care, (should not care) what we think. I am anxious to hear the twist from our experts and still waiting for school to start; 09-21. Sorry for the long note, getting ready for work, reading my daily notes and having that first morning cup of coffee Take care
  6. I apologize but what do you mean by " Always the same arguments..boring"? I am not sure anyone here can prove that Martina is, had or is not having sex currently with someone outside other than what we see with Alberto and N. Although, we know from what we have seen, Martina has a pretty good appetite for many of those items HFB declares as problems. HFB mentioned how Martina deals with her problems but can anyone prove him wrong? Is what we see habit or practice that degrades her or just plain problems? There is so much we don't see. We all have some stresses and debatable life concerns to tackle and she is no different. Unfortunately, Martina and her private life may be in view of us all through RLC. Therefore, one can only imagine if not speculate with no proof but what is seen on RLC. I am still waiting for school to start; 09-21, right emnv.
  7. Last I saw Martina was still sleeping longer than normal, her immune system may have triggered antigen which caused extended sleep. She may even feel soreness and a slight pain in her arm later. And yes Alberto should give her a nice hug for being brave and responsible.
  8. Good Day Alberto, If you read this sometime this morning or early afternoon as part of your daily routine or after your workout, how about treating Martina to dinner or late lunch! Put on a pair of your nice jeans and white shirt, pick up some flowers and take her to dinner. A jester of kindness for all she has done for you. All contingent upon whether Martina goes to B4 for the day. Let us know how it goes?
  9. Transcripts of the lite discussion between N&B about her where about all day and if it was with Martina would be good. I am advised that Nelly may have found a replacement for Martina...
  10. Good Day Jen, You could be on to something here. Martina is way too smart for us all! Whoever mentioned Martina broke-up with ugly Nelly may have been wrong. It was most likely a scam to draw attention away from M&N. All in fun and games, maybe Bogdan is a part of the scam, but who knows. The teaser tonight; on the return with the dogs and her saying 'Adios" but pushing Nelly out the door and not showing up for an hour or so later? Yes Martina is way too smart for us but after all it is her life. Who gives a dam whether Nelly is married to Bogdan or that he may now prohibit the relationship between M&N, other than just being friends_Martina does not seem to care. If Martina agreed with Bogdan not to see Nelly other than as being friend, was that a conversation provided through translation? Could it have been a situation devised to there advantage (the 3 of them)? Is this all to keep us hanging on, hoping, wishing for another episode of the past, a continuation of this soap opera? Just a thought. Bogdan should just give it up. Nelly has expressed and decided who she really loves and wants to be with. Bogdan your time is over and you can't handle it; Martina does it better than you. M&N deserve each other. Did someone say "Sept 21" is the magic day and Martina goes back to school? I hope M&N can get it straight before then and they move in together, live happily ever after. Martina may like the sex with Nelly but will she be able to go school (focus) and sustain a high maintenance girlfriend in Nelly. This particular RLC soap opera seems more like M&N's inability to wean themselves from an addiction_drugs, alcohol & sex. And we are all captivated by whats next and the suspension of disbelief. The script couldn't have been written any better. As for Alberto, what does he care, Martina pays him! Right! The question is will she or has she been paying Bogdan as well? Does anyone know if Martina will be going over to B4 on Monday or just spending another day with Nelly off camera? I look forward to your thoughts and rebuttal. 😀 Thank you
  11. It may be that RLC does not want you do know what Martina said she has done off camera with others and may be really doing daily away from the cameras. I think Martina wants us all to know about her adventures away from the camera and that Alberto is aware. After all it is her life to do as she pleases. Also, it may be that RLC (purposely altered the video) like the translator continue to be selective with what they provide.
  12. Per the conversation at about 9:50am my time (1:50am Barcelona time), between Nelly and Bogdan, looks like Bogdan did not like where Nelly ended up earlier tonight. Will he finally get some balls and tell Nelly he is done and to get out?
  13. Yelt, unless you are Mother Teresa (and not our own Mother Tereza!), no one is an angel. Yes of course just by being on RLC, this is evidence that she is less than angelic. Clearly Martina has a very open attitude toward loving and sex ... one that most of us probably can't relate to. I think this is part of what attracts us to her. Part of me wishes I could be more like her ... and in my past ... I did have a lot of fun like Martina has today and I miss those days. I wanted to go to the club with them tonight! But it is hard to find a babysitter and get good flights from US to Barca at last minute! But I think you go too far in condeming her. I know you care about her very much. 12 hours ago, yelt said: her uncontrollable need to always be with someone having fun, drinking, etc, and she does not seem to seek advisement or assistance to manage some other aspects of her life. I don't think she has "uncontrollable needs". Her breaking off things with Nelly is proof that she as more control than perhaps we thought. Yes of course if any of the craziest speculations about her are true, I may want to revise these remarks. But what I see is very well adjusted girl who likes to have fun. Going out tonight ... this is something that she does weekly? That does not seem excessive. To me, Gina and Stella could be labled as having "unccontrollable needs". But Martina is not there. In fact, her focus on studies and improving her life are evidence that she is very well adjusted and disciplined. 12 hours ago, yelt said: Martina mentioned at one time to Alberto she can do whatever she wants, and "no one can tell her otherwise”. It is this mindset that may lead her down the wrong path or the path she has already begun in addition to RLC. So there is a problem with a girl being independent? How does this lead her down the wrong path? This tells me you don't trust her to make good decisions for herself. 12 hours ago, yelt said: not to mention the subject of cocaine. Do we have any visual evidence of her doing cocaine? She does drink often of course there is the smoking ... but nothing seems overly excessive for me compared to other 20-somethings that I know. Anyway ... I love your passion Yelt but as I said earlier, let's watch and see what happens. I think Martina will be fine. Of course, if there is a dark secret life that gets fully exposed here, we may all have to revise our POV's. I am always skeptical and suggest everyone here be skeptical as well. But we shouldn't complain about her having fun I don't think. ********************************** Good Day Jen, Forgive my grammar, these iPhones in the dark (time zone difference) do not always allow for much precision with typing. Really enjoyed your genuine and very complete opinions; especially with the use of past experiences. A girls independent: I believe it is great and would support that independence but in the event one would decide to fast track to get what they want there could be some consequences that are not or can not be reconditioned short term. No complaints about her having fun_Her fun, her decision, her responsibility! I to have partied hard (before, during and after school. I can still party hard but I am, have to be more responsible these days and am far from being an angel. Yes, I agree we can only watch from time to time what we are allowed to see, to trust and enjoy what is being translated. I too am doubtful about so much here but it keeps the mind working to predict the future before it happens. I do believe that Alberto is her rock. He is someone for now she can always depend on, go back to and share everything. Alberto knows the good, the bad and the ugly about Martina, about them. Alberto is working to keep Blackie alive as long as he can, knowing time is short. He is getting paid through RLC and I hope paying Martina what he owes her, for her to continue to invest or not. I believe after Blackie, we may see a difference in Alberto which may, and I hope include Martina. As for the requirement of proof about so many things we see on RLC and talk about on this forum.. I think about Cancer and what a good friend on the forum is going through. There is no single layer of proof to detect so many types of cancer. Patients go through imaging, lab tests (including tests for markers), tumor biopsy, endoscopic exams, surgery, or genetic testing, when you think one has been proven to be cancer-free, given a clean bill of health, one can quickly go into remission. Thank you again Jen!
  14. Good Day Sir, I hope you are well. In reference to your comments about those that think or believe Martina is an angel. Do we know of a circumstance where someone said they thought she was an angel? After all she is on RLC and I can’t believe if she was an angel, she would be doing the RLC project. I would also tend to believe the Barcelona clubs will have ladies that look equally or better than Martina, with less clothing, ready for a wild night. While I admire Martina for the courage and determination to get accepted into school; her overwhelming desire to have a better life and future may get derail by her uncontrollable need to always be with someone having fun, drinking, etc, and she does not seem to seek advisement or assistance to manage some other aspects of her life. Martina mentioned at one time to Alberto she can do whatever she wants, and "no one can tell her otherwise”. It is this mindset that may lead her down the wrong path or the path she has already begun in addition to RLC. I ponder that many may love Martina for her body and sexual actions, after all this show is about being a voyager. I am also reminded about the parties where she participated in sexual behavior with other girls and guys, not to mention the subject of cocaine. Not an angel. It is interesting that we all watch RLC as voyagers and comment on a forum where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged yet there seems to be so many hostile comments, and vulgarity toward one another for their thoughts. Just the way of the world, people, war or David and Goliath? It also appears we are all being guided by the direction of the translation or translators (including me) without question. Did anyone stop to think that certain information is being withheld that might change your mind about some of the activity we see with Martina? What is really happening with what you don’t see? I am grateful for the honestly from Jman9212 and his translations. Time for work. I had one other comment or thought; I do recall, at a high point of argumentation between Alberto and Martina regarding Alberto being without a job for so long and his non willingness to find one, Martina did not want him to be referred to as a “ni ni”. I believe that was the term used. Alberto also commented that at least he is not out their f**king everyone, not having sex but f**king. I also recall at some point it was translated that Martina said she loves to f**k. Not the attitude of an angel. Her thoughts of sexual pleasure with ongoing recklessness, coupled with no one can tell her what to do, could very well derail her future plans. I hope she grows up.
  15. Since Martina did not share with her very confused and very in need of guidance school friend; could the veggies have been in exchange to go Snorkeling today? Perhaps just a reason to visit with her best friend Nelly or maybe for a visit to the B4 pool today to spend time with the Bogdan and Nelly? Let's see. 🤔 If you watch Alberto (although he is having sex with Martina for the cameras and the money) his behavior, mannerisms and tone may not really approve of the relationship Martina has with both Bogdan and Nelly? The last time Martina was at B4, Did anyone notice how upset and cold Nelly was that Martina and Bogdan were flirting and being touchy with each other? It caused an argument between the Bogman and Nelly later that evening, in which we could not get the conversation translated. I say based on the previous affairs the Bogman has had and knowing what he may know, he wants to get into Martina's swim top and bottoms as much as Nelly and she (Martina) would let him!! Thoughts?
  16. Perhaps not meeting at B4 but are meeting off site, off camera. Martina may like to share the fresh vegetables with Nelly or school friend, who could use it more.
  17. Yes, it would be interesting my friend. I've been up now for 49 hrs (it is work related) but noticed on the replay this morning Mr Nelly and Mr Bogdan packed the beach attire in back pack as did Miss Martina and departed the same time. I wouldn't expect either to return until very late (not sure about the curfew) or tomorrow! I wonder if this occurrence is incident in real life or fiction; perhaps about viewership or personal 3 way lust written in the script. Could it be we all have been taken for a ride for the love of money. Not to mention those that really love the ride! Let sit back and watch!
  18. Emnv: Come on, guys. Any speculation based on assuming certain business intelligence on RLC staff is automatically self-dismissed. Emnv: Michael appears on camera, at last!! Good Day Emnv, I am surprised by your quick comments above, so soon after my post. I was not expecting of all people for you to comment and mention speculation so quickly. In particular the one regarding "Michael" after so many hard line posts in the forum that there was no Michael. Also, you might make mention of guys and gals, not just guys. Yes..Suspension of disbelief or willing Suspension of disbelief may be in affect here. Not to mention control of the script. The next season as you mentioned is perhaps already beginning. Martina and Alberto may be planning a trip as you mention, not to spend time together but perhaps have the dump they live in restorated and cameras repaired. Just a thought. I also assume you heard or know of the conversation had between Martina and Alberto about a car. Would that be to buy or to rent? Small things are coming to light and do not add up, just as the someone who made a comment about all the time Martina spends in the sun and yet no tan lines. Quickly after Martina has faint tan lines. Interesting or magical? The only thing that might be real about the past episodes are the dogs Lucky and Taco, and trying to breed Taco.
  19. Good Day, Seems to be some speculation? If I were to speculate here of what has apparently occurred with the breakup.. I would say nothing has changed except viewership (subscriptions) and forum conversation. With no proof and again purely speculating, I believe the breakup was a fake and all of what is occurring is for the benefit of RLC ratings and viewership. The only thing I see is that four individuals at RLC are driving the profits by what you do and don't see on camera. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the individuals on the forum are working for RLC to help drive those profits ...keeping the current subscribers base interested and driving in new ones. RLC is a business and as businesses compete the goal is to keep up with change and to market to find new way to increase there profits. What better time than now with the pandemic and with everyone more glued to wide screens, to take advantage of the forced market change, than to put on a show to get people watching RLC. We are all (everyone watching) falling hard for the show and reacting hard as well. When the fake breakup occurred there were probably as many viewers then as when this whole lesbian relationship between Martina and Nelly started. Some good Marketing for sure! From the first showing with Nelly and Martina, to the most recent fake break up and everything in-between (the fake travel between Martina and Nelly, all the various conversations RLC wanted you to hear) ....Not bad script, hey. I was mighty impressed with Martina's focus and drive to change her life with the studies to get into school. As I am sure many of you were as well. It was especially impressive as it had be accomplished on such a short timeline. That episode may have gained Martina respect and a lot of viewership and of course increased profits for RLC. However...I wouldn't be surprised if that too was not real..made for RLC only. The only thing I might see real with the whole RLC is Martina at 26 going on 35, she could be growing up and aging too fast with a little help from her friends. What will the next big episode bring Vivian's baby belongs to Bogdan, or maybe Martina gets pregnant? I can't believe Nelly would be pregnant, that would be way too ugly. Oh I clearly believe and speculate Alberto is very much a part of the whole show. Remember I am speculating here...but think about it... or not. Just have fun!
  20. Good Day JenniferMom, I hope all is well. Here it is way pass my bedtime and I am reading the forum. You are on point and I am with you on your comments and especially with; Something continues to seem fishy.
  21. Good Day JenniferMom, Very good thoughts. I particularly like the comments on your experience with one of you BFF. You also mentioned something about Nelly that we all may have noticed and have been able to see_ "cold and manipulating by nature" and a friend that is "high maintenance". Besides the obvious, it is those thoughts I derived my statement of "Ugly Nelly", Nelly or had Martina fooled? At times I could see that Nelly had Martina being the same as her "cold"! I would think that Martina would not want to be perceived as cold, manipulative and alone. You also mentioned the experience of giving each other (Nelly and Martina) orgasms; In one of your previous comment you stated Martina has been having to give herself orgasm with Nelly. Could that mean the fire for Martina having an orgasm with Nelly is no longer there? Could be stress as well!
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