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Everything posted by yelt

  1. Yep! We have no proof. It is merely speculation. With her sexual libido I would bet she is fucking someone! Someone said earlier when she drinks, she makes out and she fucks. Who knows how many at a time? She has us all fooled and following her. She is carefully getting ready to go out again most of today with or without her friend to meet up with someone at a certain time. She continues to respond quickly to her phone text with a sense of seriousness. They will leave, and come back in early morning drunk. I hope I am wrong but let watch together. All of this playing and off came stuff is the reason I am letting my subscription go. Unless, I hear something more about school. Oh what happened to going to school?
  2. Her parents are peacefully in their town, not in Barcelona. They have been to a friend's birthday party, and then this morning Elena wanted to go see the sunrise on the beach. Thank you as always. One thing though still makes me question the whole day and night. A birthday party that must run 15 - 20 hours and change an outfit and be at the beach 1/2 the night? That seems to be a lot of empty hrs. So much speculation. And it would appear, that most of you don’t miss a beat. The one thing is sure we see Martina coming in the door to what she may call home, sleep, an occasional fuck (every 7 or 8 days or so) with Alberto to keep him cleaning and washing and to satisfy RCL and the watchers. She receives calls and rushes out the door, so we see her from behind. She is smart enough to do any real fucking off camera (learning from Nelly and Bogdan). She stays out all night most nights and comes to the apartment to get some rest and does it all over again! She is also smart enough to know if she walks around topless, shakes her ass naked in the shower she will retain the viewership and income from RLC. Do you think CC is losing numbers because RLC numbers and subscriptions may be falling?
  3. I would also venture to say Martina invited Nelly and Bogdan to spend the day with her friends and parent minus Alberto.
  4. Thanks. I know her parents don't like the cameras, but I would have thought Alberto would be with them. Guess he is not much a favorite any longer. Just a ni ni to them as well.
  5. I don't think he would mind sharing? The question is can he handle the criticism afterward, about how big Bogdan is and how many orgasms she had compared to him.
  6. Yes.. good thoughts. i am also wondering (wondering, not suggesting) if something occurred between Martina and Nelly that reveals Nelly could be a bit unstable?
  7. Just a thought but.. Could it be Alberto is getting closer to a settlement over his failed business and is enrolling in a cooking school? Or is Alberto and Martina leaving RLC soon in order for Martina to go to school?
  8. I am the culprit! I still think Nelly is unattractive and ugly but that is my opinion as you have yours and others theres. I believe it is not so much related to her looks as it is with what has transpired with this whole bi-sexual relationship and her not being a mature 30 year old responsible married woman! I can not conceive or imagine someone taking the vows of matrimony and then having affairs or sexual relations with another women or male. I guess in Russia it must be a way of life? I have no respect nor patience with someone interfering with a married couple as Martina has done and then mistreating (badly) the very person that has support her the most. On a detour; I also can not believe that Martina would dare continue to criticize Alberto for not having a job when she does not as well. Then, as many in the forum have also criticized Albert for not going with Martina to B4, why would I want to be around the very people that are trying to break them apart. Alberto does not speak Russian and perhaps he is most comfortable with people he can understand and a bit more mature. It seems we has humans have to learn the hard way to understand! and perhaps to get it right! We should be happy with what we have and help to make each other better. I am sure Martina would approve of the same situation she has engaged in if it were to happen to her!! Would she most likely go on with life as if nothing were happening?
  9. If Bogdan gave his permission for Nelly and Martina, then changed his mind and communicated his disapproval; this would be very unfair. As much as I disapprove only because Nelly is married to Bogdan stay true to your word. You have to wonder what happen with the hot and heavy Nelly and Martina relationship? Does anyone know? Did RLC intervene? Martina seems very confused and as seem Alberto and her are getting along, she is not there. It is apparent Nelly and Martina still care for one another but perhaps they've started thinking about what the future hold if the relationship continues? Or someone said to stop!!! Martina is smoking less, barely drinking and staying out to early morning? Is she still going to school? Does anyone know who or what put a stop to the Nelly and Martina relationship? With the party today, did anyone notice how little the other girls were talking to Nelly and or Martina?
  10. Well if Alberto is reading this forum, give your main girl more attention, some flowers from time to time, a massage. You use to say "I love you" to her, often, do it again!! I love you goes a long way, unless you know longer love her? At present she is not sure you love her or want to be around her; you are always in the apartment; take her to the park more often, take her on a walk or bike ride, it cost nothing. When on the couch, comfort her! Martina has at last recognized she has some self challenges and is trying to work through them. She is not spending her nights away, and may not have been as kind to you as in the past but recognize she is trying to change and be with you. It appears she is trying to stop smoking as much! I know we all do not understand or know why you do not have a job but the best thing you can do for yourself and provide some security for your girl.. is to do something, get a job! You are a smart man with good humor. You do not have to wait until the end of the year to get a job, do it now!!
  11. How do you know that half the shit on here isn't made up?
  12. Good Day, While I don't generally lend myself to respond to criticism due to this being a forum of many types of conversations. However, I bring "what if" or "speculation" as you or any others in the forum. If you fill what I have stated is not to your liking; don't read it! I can not bring facts about any of the participants and as far as I know these RLC participants are most likely actors. Trying to win attention and money!
  13. Someone tell Alberto to stop cleaning and "Get Out" he is done! It's too late now. No more sex or kisses or anything from Martina.
  14. Okay. But how about this. Since N&B have been trying to get Martina and Michael together, they bring Michael to B4 and invite Martina to stay for awhile?
  15. That works!! I know I don't have to watch but all of the drama, speculation, hiding, disrespect and immaturity that is going on with Martina is getting to be too much. You are probably right she needs to pack her bags and go. But I think the RLC thing is holding her back and where does she get money? How does she pay for rent? Is school free?
  16. Here's a good story line and speculation. Martina has not been taking her pills lately but has been having sex with this Michael person and not with Alberto. Now she founds herself pregnant. How's that?
  17. Thanks. Perhaps she can stay where she is and Alberto can find another place to live. I've been through this type of situation before and it can be rough or they can be mature about it all. It will be better for both of them.
  18. Good for her. I hope things are better for her. I hope Martina has shared her love for both women and men? Or maybe she won't find that need to see other women with him. Do you know if they can get out of their contract with RLC and both move on?
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