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Everything posted by nack

  1. The apartment doesn't matter.Anabel and Efim have the most swankiest apartment and they do absolutely nothing.It is shyte.I am all for content and participants.I can watch apartments and furniture somewhere else.
  2. Let me join as well ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  3. I remember the first time they swapped and the guy really pounded Ana. That was hot !!
  4. Auditions Over !! Time to get a new apartment..?
  5. Blonde girl fucked Zack in the morning too...
  6. My observations - When i joined RLC for a few months,it was because of Nicole who used to bring her boyfriends home and fuck them all night.Miguel was a long time buddy that i can recall.I did not join once my sub ended as Nicole's time was up.She used to be more passionate and the sex was hot mainly because it was HER choice to be on RLC and she used to do her own thing. In VH,However,she is restrained,dressed like a monk all the time and is more than 'normal'.I think it's Karl's decision to get something extra out of his life.Hence the cam life.She looks like in a serious relationship and is just happy to support Karl's decision.
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