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Everything posted by nack

  1. Here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year !!! It's already 12:25 Am Here !!!!
  2. I don’t care. I don’t watch VH at all now.
  3. So Misty decided to come back and turn off the cams for sex ?
  4. 2 rds with one guest,2 rds with another ( one in bath and one in bedroom ) and a mild 3 some. Story of the night/morning !!
  5. Even though I don’t go to church and celebrate it officially, I like the festival especially the Christmas Trees in the market, the lighting and people feeling happy and good.My official dress code in the office tomorrow ( 25th Dec ) is also Red and White ..lol And yes Arkay, we know the artist that you are and your love for Lisa. Post away !!!!! 😁
  6. Merry Christmas to All !!! HO ! HO HO ! 🤗
  7. Damn !! Just when the apartment was warming up. I hope it’s temporary.
  8. I am awaiting Misty. L and G are coming back. Realm 11
  9. I would like them to hide all the cams.They should not be visible at all.RLC does this brilliantly.
  10. Ary and George's first Apartment ? Kalita and Brett
  11. Both the vids are fine and playable.Still in my panel though.No idea why they haven't been released.
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