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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. She called Paul, but then did go downstairs earlier with her phone, and came back looking (to me) a little upset. Then she left, came back to change tights twice. She has gone out wearing the same outfit as yesterday, that's true. There is no guarantee she met LB last night, but she certainly isn't happy right now with him and things look again quite unsteady. Where it will go and how quickly, time will tell.
  2. Looks as if Leora can't decide which colour tights to wear today, this is the second time she's come back to change them and left again.
  3. He was dating a woman back home last year, around the same time she started seeing LB, but it's unknown if he still sees her, this is something that hasn't come up for quite a while now.
  4. You are certainly correct, but quite a few times to be fair, and for those still in doubt (not your good self) She put him on speaker phone a couple of times last year. LB most definitely exists.
  5. Yeah, she didn't have the best of days. Went out happy, came back not so happy. Just chilled out and listened to music and smoked. Someone gave her that bag downstairs but who and what, we don't know. One of the neighbours was singing outside which made her laugh. Couldn't sleep, complained about the heat and being uncomfortable when she called Paul, told him what to give to Eva, wrote yet another huge straight faced text message then called Paul a second time before finally sleeping. So something once again seems to have happened between her and you-know-who. But as we know, it could all be forgotten in no time.
  6. Well, none of us are in her head (and at times like this, i'm very glad i'm not), but she only spoke about what food to get for the dog. It did cheer her up though.
  7. Cheered herself up at least, just called Paul.☺️ Mind you, the last LB fall out 3 weeks ago only lasted 24 hours, so anything can happen & knowing her, probably will. 🤪🤪
  8. No, i do think they've fallen out again at some point tonight, or at least things are different.
  9. I certainly now think she and LB have had words tonight.....
  10. Yeah, well anyway, it's a bag that's been dropped off for her. Have to see if it gets moved later.
  11. Clothing is the most likely, why left next to the door though, unless they are being taken out soon again.
  12. Back 10 minutes later, she came back in with something, but left it down near the front door. It looked and sounded like that. Some bag of some kind, so she went to meet someone for sure.
  13. 00.28, in dressing gown with phone and off downstairs.....🤨
  14. Congrats Stn - The last 2 posts have avoided rectal gas..... 🤣
  15. Yeah, and i like seeing her this way, just being herself. It can only be a positive, and shows she can just unwind without turning it into something.
  16. Sounds like one of the neighbours is singing outside and is making her laugh!
  17. You never know, if something is out of necessity.....
  18. And now the original Teen Spirit! What next, the Tori Amos version??
  19. Looks to me she came back a bit tired or fed up, and this is just 'I just want to relax' thing which i personally think is good for her, not always being in 'Show' mode. Because the clothes certainly suggest this. Rather than always be 'On', for her to simply think Fuck this, if people watch fine, if they don't, fine....I see that as a good thing, otherwise it quickly becomes only a show. But will it last even for the rest of the night?
  20. A Russian version of Smells Like Teen Spirit. Heard everything now!.....
  21. Not often i turn the sound down, but some of this is a bloody awful racket!
  22. So last night and today, coughing, sneezing and blowing her nose. Tonight, making a Shisha pipe. Oy Vey....
  23. She wasn't dressed for work was she, and she was only gone 3 and a half hours. It's possible she went to one of her classes. Certainly hasn't eaten when she's been out.
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