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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. I wouldn't say she's in the best of moods, or is tired. Definitely got a cold.
  2. She shows it partly to show it's a genuine thing. Malia used to get her wet simply from playing with her casually and she would show the cam the evidence from that too.
  3. Last night gone too soon? See, this is how she becomes a robot Brokk, if THAT is the only thing people want to see every single day. Thursdays do now look like a pre-determined show night, the last 3, she has bated at least once before going out the next day.
  4. With the preparation, and the choice of clothing, and the totally different time to the last 2 Fridays, and the fact she composed a huge 'not unhappy looking while doing it' text message last night late on and again during the night, she certainly didn't look dressed for going out to work. With LB? Very possible. A class? Again, maybe. But maybe not.
  5. This will make you smile Patou! I make it that she has had 18 calls since coming back from the birthday party on Sunday. One to LB, one to her dad, and two to a salon girl. The remaining 14 were to Paul.
  6. Tell you what, i think she's picked a cold up now, sneezing and blowing her nose and was shivering earlier as well. Not had a good week overall.
  7. She's had the call, about half an hour ago. Paul.
  8. Yes you do have this point that you keep wishing to make. I get it and i'm sure so does she when she reads them. I myself shall no longer comment on this. We must keep her happy with these posts. In fact no point in me saying anything in case it upsets her. Keep her wrapped in cotton wool.
  9. If you use google image, you will see the books in question.
  10. I think it's part of a series of novels by Pemapk (Erich Maria Remarque).
  11. That's why it is always useful to check your posts before hitting send Chris! 😄
  12. Ah, Thursday show night? Could again be, only reason to go into Malia's room! But it is worth saying again - Yet another night at home. I'm sure many are surprised just how much we see of her at night now, i certainly didn't expect so much, considering she does still have 'reasons' to go out. She's home a lot more than i expected by this point. No one can complain at just how much we are seeing of her, the balance between time out and in is far better than it could be considering.
  13. To be fair, you did say 3 some and named 3 people though.....😉
  14. I was thinking that! Unless he just wants to see the 3 men at it?.....
  15. I completely agree with all that. But she wants to keep trying until the end.
  16. Oh you won't see Malia again! The only chance is a very short trip in at least one year's time - Unless RLC opened an apartment in Ukraine for one month for Leora to visit her, get them together for 30 days then she comes back to Prague. And that won't happen either!
  17. You'd think VH would want the top tenants if that would happen, and that would be Masha, Leora and Martina for me. But who knows? As you say, hypothetical. But there's no doubt RLC is a pretty bad way right now.
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