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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Giving the people who crave it, what they want isn't she! Regular bate shows. So the only place left now is the kitchen, because she did half of one on the balcony the other week. Unless she bashes one out on the toilet that we can't see.
  2. I think there is a faint sign of a strip appearing yeah, looks it. J will be chuffed! Also a sign of someone not being in favour.....
  3. Yeah and so is finding every fault with Malia, who you can't stop bringing up even now to keep Leora wrapped in cotton wool. Anyway you're missing Leora bate once again. Let's just forget it all and not carry this on. Deal?
  4. She's left a pile of clothing waiting for ironing on the end of the couch for over a week before, That's not tidy is it. She's not perfect you know. Nor is Denis, who wiped his armpits with the blue towel then hung it back up only for her to wipe her face with it later that day, or wiping the toilet floor with the bathroom sink cloth, then putting it back. That was nice wasn't it.
  5. Just thought, a good sign she's felt like crap this week. She hasn't cleaned the apartment. That shows she's been down and unwell.
  6. Better view! They're quite ample nowadays aren't they!
  7. Yeah, simply that she took his brush out last night, then has put it back into the drawer tonight. So the plan must have changed, but as i said, she didn't sound like she's in the mood for company today. It could therefore be her own choice.
  8. Yes so do i. And as i said, it was merely a suggestion that by doing that, it then could create more views, if people expected an arrival. That's all, nothing about what was actually written as a result on here.
  9. Whoa, calm down! No one said she gets paid by CC! All that was said is that doing something like that gets people watching and then perhaps chatting about it, that's all. Good for the view count. Nothing more than that Brokk!
  10. Who knows? But it was put forward as a suggestion, and it's something i wouldn't dismiss totally.
  11. Unless it's just the angle of the lighting, i think you may be right.
  12. Or she just wanted to create interest. If so, it had the desired effect. But how she sounded to Paul and how she's been the last few days, she hasn't looked in the mood to entertain as far as i can see.
  13. Ah! Toothbrush back in the drawer! So plans changed? Ok. I don't know. Please Leora don't have done this deliberate.... We watch anyway.
  14. Well there we go! Home alone. So, change of plans? Only coming tomorrow? Or like was said, to get the views up? I hope not the latter. That would be uncalled for, but it's worked. There's been nothing else to talk about!
  15. No. He doesn't live in Prague, and has to travel into the city on the train to see her. So they only ever meet when he comes here. And as for the Malia bit, yes, i believe that - But it changed after she met her guy, that's when her interest waned. By the end i think she felt used. JMO but it's what i think.
  16. It's not a case of pro or anti, it's the reason why he goes there now. He is literally the only person who can visit, now Malia is no longer around, but despite the relationship being purely platonic, we've already seen elements of clickbait happen (Talking on skype with her tits partly visible, giving quick slight flashes in the apt etc). It isn't just an old friend seeing another old friend, there has to be this 'show' aspect thrown in too for good measure. So, for everyone who thought what happened with Malia was staged and planned, then anything with him is the same. Just because it's a guy rather than a girl doesn't make it real, does it. And when she has a boyfriend anyway in Prague, plus Paul who she is still trying to get to go there all the time, then anything with him, especially one she's known for years and years as nothing more than a mate, can't be seen as anything other than done for cam views. Simple as that really. And quite frankly, i don't think he looks that comfortable when it happens.
  17. Thinking about what you said before, i hope you're wrong simply because she already has the loyal fan base and the views. If she did something like that deliberate or from spite, then that's just mocking fans. And that wouldn't be a particularly nice thing to do, would it.
  18. Time will tell! But there's one thing i can say for sure - He will walk through that door again at some point!
  19. Very true J, but this was a blink and miss it moment, which i very nearly did! I know she's cunning (Lord, do i know that!), but considering how it happened just after her bate (when she was still not with it!) and also how she says she is restless and having trouble sleeping, the last thing at that point would be "I bet if i do this, that twat SG will fall for it" I'm sure she hates me, but....!😆
  20. That's the clue, she has no other reason to take it out of the drawer and place it in the holder next to hers. And she did exactly the same thing 2 weeks ago, the night before he turned up. It is there if you look closer. It may be tomorrow, may be tonight.
  21. I firmly believe the latter has always been the case, maybe not 100%, but close enough.
  22. Her sleep pattern is knackered right now if you notice, she is too often sleeping for just 2, 3 hours then unable to get back, this happened today, eyes keep opening for ages. But she doesn't help herself by constantly grabbing the phone as soon as, which is then why she is in bed now later than she has been, especially if she has nothing to go out for, now Malia isn't around to chat too, to hang out with. She was telling Paul about this earlier. And this is what i was saying - She's filling too much of her time with nothing.
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