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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Yes, Paul, a huge call as well. She also called him at 6am. This is often done to get it out of the way, like the calls she makes before leaving overnight.
  2. Well, all i know is that she does remain very popular, but some of what i see on the thumbs does look rather odd, to say the least! But she does have a large fan base and can pull in a lot of views, it has to be said. She and Leora are polar opposites, but i think those are the 2 the company need more than the other tenants (Probably Martina will be third on that list)
  3. She leant against it, not sat on it, unless people can get off on the smell of back sweat!🤣
  4. I didn't hang around to see! A few seconds was more than enough thank you! 😧
  5. I'm pretty sure he knocked one out, the last time he was there, on the sofa bed, he certainly wasn't just having a scratch under the covers.....🤢
  6. And you want to see him doing that? Fine if you do, each to their own.
  7. Oh I am fully aware! Hence why i said originally, this can be built up a little bit at a time, week after week. You know the score!😉
  8. Yeah, Malia was the first one i saw do it. Just as long as the floor isn't wet, imagine falling that way, ouch!
  9. I think you mean Leora, not Malia!😄 Oh yeah, anything like that can happen, it will be part of the plan. Bit more to show each time, all worked out in advance.
  10. And what has she just taken out of the bathroom drawer?? DOUCHE'S YELLOW TOOTHBRUSH! So he's coming back once again. Told you, this is the plan, you've already seen it start. 'Will They Won't They' clickbait. Using him as much as using Malia. And he's a willing participant in it all.
  11. Looking at the thumbs i think it's fair to say, Leora has absolutely no competition tonight! Where is everyone else?? In bed or out. Weekends on RLC now is more like a graveyard. I bet even she herself can't believe how easy it's getting. No wonder the site is sinking fast, i honestly can't see how it can survive much longer. I think if she and Masha called it a day, that would be it. Game over for rlc.
  12. She only said to Paul last night she thinks she's lost them or something's missing from them so she can't wear them. I think she needs glasses to find her glasses.
  13. Yes, when they played chess, that's all it is. A total clickbait title - See, by the time you realised, it has added to the video view count! Never trust Hotscopes or any of those sites!
  14. Took it with her when she left this afternoon, a large paper bag. So it must have been to give to someone else. We never saw it.
  15. That one. I personally don't think Malia will visit, i think rlc will be a distant memory by the end of next year for her. She very well may do, but if so, it would only be a short trip. She and Leora have been in contact only in the last couple of days.
  16. Yes, and sucking on her dildo, but i meant when the '69' things was mentioned.
  17. The closest they ever got was Leora astride Malia with her arse right in front of her face, using the toys on each other. But no, their relationship wouldn't have mattered, they won't see each other again anyway, i'm sure!
  18. Leora back, only 10 minutes later than last night.
  19. She does indeed, gets sent pictures, watches her on Skype. Sorts out her medication, food etc. She's still not well to travel yet, getting older and this worries both of them.
  20. The titles given to videos often are completely different from what it actually is. Plus often now, videos are uploaded on those sites which don't even contain anything other than sitting there. That one mentioned, is just her and Douche playing Chess, fully clothed. Bogus. One video a few weeks ago was just L&M lying there staring at their phones for a full hour, yet was given a phony title that suggested sex was involved. Pure Clickbait!
  21. I'm not blaming you, i said that, it's just a very quick thing that i don't even notice to be honest! To me that's nothing, but as you said, each viewer is different. But i'm like you with one thing, i don't watch her solo bates anymore, i've seen so many of them, that they just all blend into one by this point.
  22. Is this all she has to do? Put her foot on the sink all the time? Not having a go at your wish, but you do seem to crave this from her constantly.
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