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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Surely no one can be as gullible as he is! Surely not!! But my comment was just a general one, how she can easily create problems rather than solve them. Not about anyone in particular. Blimey, she nearly started a fire in the LR earlier for example!
  2. Well if she gets what she really wants, then Paul will be there at some point. Until then, it will only be regular bates, and a clickbait scenario with Douche. Nothing would happen, but the 'will they won't they' plan would be there.
  3. What i meant was her life is so complicated already, she is very capable of making it even worse.
  4. No idea, but if she didn't see him last night, and stays in tonight, then i can't see at all when she ever spends time with her Perfect Man.
  5. There is the chance of course she came back last night, and stayed elsewhere in Prague..... It's possible, because if she stays in tonight, well, WTF is going on??!!
  6. Oh without a doubt and she definitely DID enjoy it, right to the end. No one ever expected her to even try stuff like that, let alone actually get into it. Malia gave her some massive orgasms for sure, that part of it was real. But she was never going to go further than what we saw. Trouble was, we didn't know this, that she was only going to go so far. But those nights between her and Malia were for me personally, what made me carry on watching rlc. It made it worthwhile. But many didn't like it, it just had to be her alone, so it's swings and roundabouts.
  7. It's very simple actually. On the first part - No, of course i learned (too late perhaps) that the whole thing with Malia was a show, but it was one i still enjoyed seeing. The difference is this - I and some others liked having Malia there, others didn't like her at all. Simple as that, just like many didn't like Paul around. Malia being there WAS the problem for some, because it wasn't Leora on her own. It's a clear cut as that. I don't think at all that she misses her, but what i see now is someone who is filling her time with shows and little else, and i just don't see it as healthy for her. And no, i don't think, deep down, she is happy either. She wavers in and out of zones. That's why i said when i see her with Paul, like the other day on Skype, that is her at her most natural and happiest. I'm sure i will be told i'm wrong to think or to look at it this way, but this is how i personally see it. And did she use Malia? Yes of course she did.
  8. Ah well i'm not the one to answer that! Others may do!
  9. Well that's it isn't it. Different viewpoints. So we won't see eye to eye on it, no point therefore in going round in circles, that's all i was really saying. It's history now.
  10. No you don't have to elaborate, i know exactly what you mean as you said it many times. I know what you hated, or more specifically who you hated. But she is all alone now, like you and others wish her to be. We will never agree, i don't want any arguing anymore so let's leave it as it is. All that is a distant memory now. It's just Leora by herself bating a lot. New chapter. She herself has removed Malia from her life in several ways that i won't elaborate on either.
  11. Yeah, gone to a birthday party of some family she knows somewhere. So maybe the winter coat and boots were, as i first suggested, taken out simply as she'll be using them soon, as the weather is changing. Perhaps though, even tomorrow maybe? Because when you think, this weekend already similar to last. Friday, works then comes home tired so stays in. Saturday, goes out but back before 10 and in (untired!). Maybe she will return early-ish again. But was then out most of last Sunday. But there is one thing no one can complain about. How much she has been home since Malia left. I think most would have thought like i did, that after the first week she would return to old habits, but no, anything but. Just one night away, 2 weeks ago, and only one late night since. I think personally, she is putting the job first and foremost, that she is making a determined effort to be in more, now she has no one else there. (What she is filling her time with though is an entirely different subject) As far as LB goes? Unless he is out of town, so she literally cannot see him all week, then it can only be down to choice as far as i'm concerned. You'd think being alone would see her out more, yet far from it. Because if she sees him for any length of time, when is it? Sundays? Yet the calls sound completely the opposite. Stranger and stranger.
  12. Oh is that what it is? And out of town? There was talk of someone's grandmother/Godmother being there. And being sorry for being grumpy this morning! So that's what it is. The balcony door is open so that's a sign she'll return.
  13. I know you mean well Pulo, but poor choice of phrase for me.
  14. I think she might have been shaving. Full shower and hair wash. That could be the clue as to who she will be spending the day (and night?) with. But hey, a full 2 weeks since a night away. Hardly running out all the time is she.
  15. ....And up bright and early for (we presume) her day outing.
  16. Paul phoned about an hour ago and woke her from what looked a really deep sleep, and she was really grumpy about it! Mentioned the time and said she just wanted to sleep, and hung up. Ouch! Not that when she is calling him first thing in the morning his time! 😮
  17. Fucking hell Nags, that comment will be ignored i'm sure....
  18. Funny you mention that, but i remember not too long ago, she was bothered with both, and looked it up on the net one night, and as soon as i saw that, my immediate thought was carpel tunnel. The way she held her wrists and thumbs, it was both of them. And let's be honest, all the texting requires all that movement. You could be right about the original injury, but something bothered both her hands too.
  19. Oh yeah, landed with a right bump! Plus what else did she do? Laugh about it! That's why i sometimes cringe a little when she uses chairs to look in the high cupboard, gets on tiptoes, i think, if that chair moves a bit....
  20. She's turned it into an art form! I still have an older 'plain' mobile phone, and forgot about these now like she has, where you can see the whole conversation. My nephew texted me the other day, and each sentence came in as a separate message, got 11 pings one after the other! Couldn't keep up!
  21. ....Unless something is on the bathroom wall! 😱 Yeah, last (year) May, fell over on one of her first dates out and twisted her foot running across the road. No matter, bit of ointment when she got back, job's a good un, carried on! And she came back with a bar of chocolate as a gift, so it wasn't all bad!😄
  22. I hope so, because trust me, as someone with a bad back, the last thing you want is to walk uphill a lot!😄
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