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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Anyone got any private pictures they want to share tonight? Will happily take in exchange for Leora's email address.
  2. Pays 30 pieces of Silver a month subscription. 45 pieces for Premium.
  3. Hey, i have some pictures of Leora's friend's neighbour's Dentist's gerbil. Top secret. Unless i post it in public.
  4. And i think only me and you knew the date the wedding happened too (And what he chose to wear for it!). But i guess we have wasted our time G, keeping shit from Leora's chat. What's the old saying - "Women love a Bastard".
  5. Oh that's all right then. I'll get over it Dude. Chill Dawg. That's hardly the point.
  6. Fucking disgraceful BUT totally makes sense. Some of us knew there was a link with someone past and present. Dumb fucks couldn't even do it private.
  7. I cannot believe what i've seen on the home page. But it certainly makes A LOT of sense - Guys, the source.
  8. Yes, i know the exact dates of departure from Russia and arrival in Prague. But as there are too many mongy cunts here, i'm not telling. They can get fucked!!! HA-HA!!!🤪 (Not you Taxio, You're ok). She can do what she wants now as well. Wasted many hours for nowt.
  9. That's it. The final proof i need. She must get off on the bad stuff. All the help? Yeah right love. Guess if i called you names you'd take notice then. Trust me, you wouldn't want that. 🖕
  10. No, she was literally running for her life in Ukraine with her husband as their city was being bombed. I hope you don't find that humorous.
  11. No and No. She detests his politics and hates the war, especially as Malia has been directly involved.
  12. With some of the names she's been called on here recently, she has every right to react like this. Then again, she may get off on it.....🤨
  13. That actually helps her sleep, but then it gets cold so she gets up to close it, then she gets congested again. Vicious circle.
  14. We've seen her sneezing more, nose bunged up, and she said to Paul only this morning she thinks she's allergic to something else (At first she thought the lemon tree). It could be good ol' hay fever, but how about that spray she has been using on the bed? Could be. Only since then has she really suffered.
  15. It's like paparazzi, always lurking in the bushes! Just don't know when they can jump out!
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