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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Last year. Just one example from many. "How could i not love you?". To LB? No, to Paul. She's as much in love with Paul as she ever was. The business is secondary.
  2. This is Keith Moon on the left with his wife Kim, who was the love of his life until she had enough of his madness. The woman on the right is Annette, his girlfriend afterwards up to his death. Self explainitory me thinks!!
  3. I DO!! When she looks at LB.....She sees Paul! If he looked different this would have ended months and months ago! Isn't that right Leora?!
  4. Oh and just one quick word on all of this - The reason why i can't stand LB?? He drove Leora to the brink of a nervous breakdown live on camera. He has made her scream and cry constantly for closing in on 2 years. NOW! Is it all his fault? Most likely not, i will say that. I have no doubt at all she has falsely blamed him, passed the buck, played the victim etc etc many times..... BUT! For every problem, there is a cause. And this problem is LB. So, you remove the cause, you remove the problem. And when have we seen her at the most calm, the most relaxed, the most dare i say 'sane'? When LB is not in her life. Now THAT is no coincidence. That's why i can't stand him. Simple as that.
  5. A little busy right now (I log in and greeted with 3 messages!), but from what i've seen and heard briefly - I thought they were from Paul, UNTIL she got a call from LB, the same time the flowers were arriving. She then had to call him back, probably down to bad connection, that's what happened. But the first call with Paul was all lovey dovey and she thanked him and called him My Love for International Womens Day, (that's why she will have got the flowers). She congratulated Malia for this day early on too. Yes i do presume they are from LB now. We know from last week they are still in regular contact already don't forget. Let me get back to everyone later - Even i have other things to do sometimes!
  6. "Ukrainian Jews have been evacuating from Odesa in southern Ukraine to Romania on buses in recent hours. Among the evacuees are a 91-year-old who lost her family in the Holocaust - and a six-year-old girl whose parents want her to be safe." My God, this really IS 1940 again.....
  7. Somebody will......🙂 https://youtu.be/oXY5UWBmIFs
  8. Number crunching - This is the 38th thread of this year. Piss and/or pooballs.
  9. Don't know just how many times i have written this, but this hopefully will be the last. Leora is CO-OWNER of the phone repair shop. She has 50%. She orders stock, sets all the prices with Paul. Looks into the advertising. It is NOT his alone and she just gives money if needed. Do i have to write s l o w e r ?
  10. Don't know who, but you're right, it's all been about helping Malia. I can't work out for sure what's going on as i bet Malia herself can't, but it seems Leora is fully focussed on this, helping her best buddy. Whether she leaves Ukraine or not, all i know is she is staying somewhere at the border and has the cat with her by the sounds of it. But Leora really sounds like she wants her out of there.
  11. Good question and of course the answer is unknown right now. Both Leora and Paul's names are on the business, they are co-owners so i would imagine there will be a joint account for it.
  12. I think that sometimes people forget when a topic locked, what has been written is there forever.
  13. No real updates on much, don't know where Malia is right now (She's pretty quiet), but i'm fairly sure she is still in Ukraine, Paul called after she bated and sounded ill, so she advised him on what to eat today. Well, when i say advised, she basically set out his entire day's food and drink in chronological order.
  14. 😆😉 One bate and she's perfect again.....
  15. No, nothing to do with anything like that Jugg. Some will know what i'm on about.
  16. I honestly believe Patou, it's stress. The other night she grabbed her side again after a lot of dealing with all the problems, just like now, and stress can cause those symptoms.
  17. Latest - Ukrainians are fighting back in areas, but that is leading to ground attacks. Russia has claimed nuclear site, 1.5 million now evacuated. American Express is suspending all operations in Russia and Belarus over the invasion of Ukraine. Visa and Mastercard also suspended operations this weekend.
  18. No - Not off topic at all. Leora has ALL WEEK been dealing with this right in front of us, so it's totally relevant. Just like other girls, through no fault of their own, Leora is watching her best friend run for her life, duck into a basement all of a sudden, and is heartbroken. And of course, Malia is suffering this first hand again through no fault of her own. Leaving voice messages with her crying throughout them, Leora listening to them and choking. So to then, with all this happening, see people claim this is boring simply because 'She isn't bating' is downright disgraceful. I also said what you alluded to - This, you would think, was 1940. It's 2022, yet look. War in Europe, people who have experienced the delights and FREEDOM of the west, now being taken back to the behaviour of the Nazis. No one simply knows what can happen in the world, no one is ever fully safe and free.
  19. Exactly what i was saying a couple of days ago - People cry out for 'real life', well it doesn't get more real than this does it. Malia is literally hearing bombing in the distance and air raid sirens. Leora was looking at a picture of the 2 of them together and burst into tears. But a lot aren't interested in any human aspect, they just want the show.
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