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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Oh yeah, that night too, but that was only for a little while, maybe only 30 seconds or so.
  2. The closest it ever got was when she quickly sucked on Malia's toy once, and also licked her fingers after bating her one night.
  3. Let's all take Ecstasy and vote Labour - The 90's are here!
  4. MALIA was on cam in the apartment an hour ago. And i can't go any bigger than 72!!😄
  5. No - I take that back, as she's taken it into the bedroom! So, an Air Purifier? For her sinuses?
  6. I think it's a Slow Cooker? Perhaps? And KFC. Now that's made me dead hungry.
  7. Can she give LB? Someone would take him. Maybe. 🙃
  8. It contains the 140,000 text messages to and from LB. 😁
  9. She picked up a pile of clothes and took them downstairs just before the intercom rang - So my guess is she is giving them to someone, or to charity.
  10. Look, we don't know and perhaps won't know. All we DO know, is she got some kind of public transport when she left in the daytime, then came back for 10 or so minutes and went back out, and has still to come home. The fact she came home last night means she didn't go THAT far. She could be cleaning the salon this afternoon, that is something she does on a Sunday, then again, she could be having a day out.
  11. The opposite apartment block, sometimes those lights can be seen. Look like bathroom windows.
  12. I think i can say for certainty on that one - No. The word Train can mean the local Metro to get round the city, don't forget.
  13. Yes, the way it looked was like she saw perhaps a text and it was 'Have to call him about this'. Seemed only short but i agree, it wasn't like just a quick regular call. Obviously can't be sure as to who she was with in person, but she did go back out quickly so she was never stopping in, just seemed to leave perhaps a bit earlier than expected.
  14. I personally did suspect the obvious at the time on Monday, because it seemed it, but also heard what she told Paul later about the place she went to with the group, how he would love it too, the decor etc.
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