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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. I don't think they are even really speaking at the moment, let alone meeting. They may have had contact in the last few days but it will be minimal at best. The thing i don't and can't know, is why. But the last 10 days have all revolved around Paul, she's spoken to him more in the last week than she has to LB in the last 2 months.
  2. Ash, to re-quote myself from this morning - BOTH are fully aware of each other's dating whilst they've been apart. That's all i will say, because some people still refuse to believe it. One or two of us do know the situation.
  3. Oh you're not the first person to say that about him! ๐Ÿ˜„ When she moved there, the original plan was he would also go after a while, but then Covid stopped the world in its tracks. So they still are apart physically, but if things go to plan, he will at least visit in the near future. And that's pretty much it at the mo!
  4. They have never officially split up Ash, which is what some people forget, and she still wants him and Eva to go to Prague. Both are fully aware that each has dated since they've been apart. They talk every single day, many times a day sometimes. I know many don't think of him as Casanova, but he remains her soulmate and who she really wants. Simple as that.
  5. She went out for a while, coming home just before 11. I think she met with casual friends, not the salon girls but people she has met through the talk group she attends at times. I certainly don't think you-know-who is around at the moment. (Cryptic crossword clue - Still 6 down ๐Ÿ˜‰) And she spent the rest of the night with Paul first on business matters then just lying in bed chatting and watching him and Eva.
  6. Sorting things out for the business with Paul tonight, all manner of things. I think that's what she's been doing last couple of nights with the tablet usage, not just studying.
  7. She, i think, will be going back to Russia to see her family for the holidays.
  8. All the calls today (4 so far) are Paul. Spoken about a variety of things. The business, Eva, Malia, her step mum, food.
  9. Hi Blue. She phoned Paul at 4am, so not long after that. But she's awake now and texting.
  10. I have no idea about his personal situation, this is something obviously that's not said in the apartment, so no one can know regarding visas etc, but like i said, the contact between them has been minimal at best. And she has spent a lot of time with Paul, and he has been up all night ready to chat also as well. She may decide to keep her 'growth'. Let's see. And while you are there, keep your hands off those nurses! ๐Ÿ˜„
  11. Hi Patou, noticed you hadn't been around, hope you're ok. To quickly answer you, as far as i'm concerned, she has had very little contact with LB for this last week now, and i'm pretty sure he's from Ukraine originally. As far as his job - He certainly does not work at the Embassy! That was someone's joke a while ago. And over this weekend, she has been in constant contact with Paul throughout.
  12. Apts gone down, replay screwed up too about 10 minutes ago.
  13. She accidentally called before. So he called back. And so it's all about politics.....๐Ÿ˜„ Yes, her Daddy!
  14. Well, it's half past 6 and she's had about an hour's sleep so far. Soon as she wakes, back looking at her phone. Ironic as she was telling Paul to get some rest.
  15. I know exactly how you feel, same here. You're not alone.
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