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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Oh she knows what really matters. Six legs in Krasnoyarsk are far more important than 2 in Prague.
  2. And the irony is, while she is very willing to try and make up with Paul over this, she may have had another argument with 'another' person, which she may leave longer to sort out.
  3. Well, at the end of today, and this third call to Paul this evening, it sounds like basically - There's been a stumbling block, it's caused an argument, and Leora immediately is in the process of hopefully fixing it. Could all be a storm in a teacup.
  4. Even now, even with all what i know, i am still on some days at a loss to understand her. This is certainly one of those days.
  5. Paul. Again. And it all sounds fine. My head hurts.
  6. Like it never happened.... I told you this was complex.
  7. No, the first and only big fight happened July 2020, it was bigger than this today, when it genuinely looked all over. 4 days later, it was forgotten. The translations often confuse things because of the wording (He can come as She, words like Grandmother just means older person etc), and yes, it wouldn't mean 'Hurt' in any way like that. So if you are 'in the know', you sometimes have to work around what is said by knowing people's names and situations beforehand. And like you hint, there is more to this - It's not as cut and dried as it may appear. There's a lot more to the whole story.
  8. Ah, i wouldn't say that. Too soon Pulo. This is complex.
  9. Yep, agreed. It's been a funny old day so far. And i don't think it's a clear cut as it may have seemed originally.
  10. Well at least things have calmed down between them....
  11. That's the money shot - THE closest it came. If only....!
  12. Her Skype has just rang too while down there....That could be awkward.
  13. The only reason though WAS that it was Malia, one of her oldest friends, someone she knew so well and trusted. But - Stranger things have happened. We never thought we'd see all that anyway, did we! So you just never know.
  14. This might sound stupid now but i think i now know why. I have it from cam 11. Different angle.
  15. Well just before this part, it LOOKED like it to me. But i will concede. Yeah ok, i was wrong. That's fair enough.
  16. Well, i start catching up on the day, and find it's all gone tits up.
  17. You are technically correct, but so am i, as it was Leora herself who did put it in, and Malia then held/moved it, but she didn't feel comfortable (for want of a better word) and turned back round. It was a brief moment one night. I've no reason to make that up.
  18. Its' more likely to help her sinuses, however, one new problem now, is it causes condensation - And she has already had to wipe the floor next to her bed. That can be something she needs to watch out for.
  19. Oh, that's what it is!! I kept thinking, why is cam 10 lighting up all the time, when nothing is in there? Then i saw the bottom left of the screen....
  20. Keep looking at the Video section, things appear all the time, and some of this stuff could be uploaded. One of their side by side bates was uploaded only a few days ago.
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