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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. I can't disagree, that's what i think too. Unless there is something to suggest otherwise after the fact, it looks pretty standard stuff. Patterns. Because of course - If not with LB....why not?
  2. The thing that confused it, was putting the TV on as she came back, only to then rush to go back out. Probably she was always going out again but not so soon, or it was later than she realised (It was just before 9 o clock when she left). That's how i read it.
  3. ❌ The call was to Paul and she called him. I think she was always going back out.
  4. All the calls today were Paul - They kept losing connection, hence the stop/start nature, this is why they usually talk now via Skype. But i've no doubt at all that she will have been in touch with LB up to last night/This morning.
  5. The only important fact about '89 is that was when i left school. Here's thread #89.
  6. That's nothing Nags, not long ago i happened to see someone in Activity ask for their account to be deleted, and i hovered over the name, and it said joined "4 minutes ago"...... It took longer to register than be a member!
  7. Possible, however before on the couch when she called Paul again, she did seem to rub her belly like it was hurting, so maybe she's gone to lie down because of that.
  8. Ah, possible yes. Well, we will find out sooner or later if it was anything important.
  9. Seriously, what IS he doing?! The biggest hailstones ever to hit Krasnoyarsk, or taken Eva for a walk and she now wears special Clogs on her paws.....Or he's just cooking.
  10. Right, following the chain here from that point, it looks to me that the code is then sent in a message, like she passed it on. And whatever she looks at later, i have no definite idea what the pics are. What i can say is the night before, she took out her passport then too and went to talk to Paul. Now - That means nothing i will say that now! None of us can be sure what the passport issue is about - Yet. It could be nothing vacation related. Then again it could. We will see. Something vague about New Year has been said recently, but it's too vague to properly define. I still think it's to do with documentation though more than anything.
  11. That's not the impression i got, more like to do with just maybe documentation. It was difficult but that's what i think.
  12. And this is exactly what RLC don't need right now, something to cause them potential trouble with their business in Spain, because that could affect things elsewhere too.
  13. It's weird as i never look at any other places but i just noticed her crying as it was top cam, so had a quick look. Then soon after all that must have happened. But i believe there have been several incidents involving arguments between them before.
  14. Sorry Ste, didn't quote you! The Gina and Bruno apartment, apparently the police turned up and were on cam. But all that has now been removed from replay. I did see her in the thumbs crying on her bed around the same time Leora went to bed, and so it must have happened soon after that. Their apt has been UM all day as a result.
  15. I have been reading about that fight last night, and if that results in closures, which some have suggested, then that could have a disastrous knock on effect for the rest of the site.
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