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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. A generalised word meaning 'Basically' or 'Well' just like English speakers use all the time in general conversation, when talking as in "Well it's like....."
  2. Both calls again are to P, and again she is 'in the mood' as she listens to him.
  3. Someone keeps ringing the intercom but obviously doesn't know she isn't home.
  4. Maybe she has one of those comedy ones for LB - Keeps blowing it out but then all of a sudden it relights itself. Yes, i am this cynical.😁
  5. Morning Patou. Let's just say she was quite 'Happy' listening to Paul talk to her.....
  6. It was a joke Patou, playing on the old saying 'A Dog is for life, not just for Christmas', which is what the RSPCA say when people give pets as presents this time of year. But it's funny how come this time of year, she is suddenly all over him like a rash.....Because she has to be, poor gullible LB still has no clue. I highly, highly doubt she would marry him anyway, and certainly not just for citizenship. She may be crazy but surely not that crazy! 😟
  7. An LB is for life, not just for Christmas......
  8. It was Paul she spoke to last night, just like all Friday night. I honestly don't know what is going on now regarding the 2 men in her life. Just when you think you have some kind of definitive situation, it changes again. Totally confusing. It will most likely be a quiet Xmas and New Year here, but having said that, she very well may see others instead rather than LB. One of the girls has invited her for NY but she hasn't said yes yet. It's all as weird as ever. But her and LB are still definitely together.
  9. Aww, a new picture. Must have been taken this week. Back to normal then. ♥️ 🤮 And just in time for Christmas too.....
  10. Sorry Leora. I have to laugh at you claiming of 'Not needing a man in your life'. Twice that i've heard myself. If so, why spend 18 solid months constantly arguing, yelling, crying and desperately keeping hold of LB then? Why? I don't believe you. Because that's not how someone behaves if you want to be taken seriously.
  11. No, nothing like that. About sorting, or trying at least sorting things out with Eva's attempted travel over there, paperwork etc. That's what the first downstairs trip was for. However, i don't know if the second trip downstairs for well over an hour is related, she looked happier since coming back from this one.
  12. Well that's one way to put off translations. Gratitude. GH, let's not bother then.
  13. Well.....Nearly an hour now, and i have noticed little differences in the last 24 hours from the last 2 weeks. LORD ABOVE I HOPE I'M WRONG.
  14. No, Malia overstayed her Visa and received a travel ban, but she will be clear to travel to Prague again (if she wishes) in a year's time. But in all honesty, Leora wanted the place back to herself by that point anyway.
  15. Downstairs with her phone, 25 minutes ago. After some texting.
  16. I think she's off again this week, yeah her cough has come back, she is blowing her nose more and she told Paul the other night she had stomach aches and in her ribs. Since Malia left she's been unwell so often. Nothing bad of course but little niggly things she can't shake off.
  17. Paul. She forgot she had either an appointment or similar at 1.30 and jumped up when she saw a reminder, and told him she would call him back.
  18. No, some show she used to watch a while ago, i recognise the music that appears from time to time in it.
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