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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. My only comment on this, as i don't wish to be drawn into any argument, is simple. We are just a forum, and therefore have no say or power over anything or anyone we watch. It's not like someone here can make a change. So when you see criticism from indeed anyone, whilst all opinions are valid as long as they have meaning and substance, all i think is 'Well, i can't do anything about it, can i!'. So as a result, repeated points result in nothing. Simply because it has nothing to do with any of us here. I certainly don't like some of the life choices she has made since moving over there, but it has zero to do with me and really, is none of my business. We pay to watch somebody - Not to change somebody. And that's all i can say.
  2. That's bizarre!! Why? Only last night i looked at exactly one year ago, and what was there? That scar on her belly, that looked like a line of spots, it was the holes from the iron as you say. Anniversaries!
  3. Firstly, my true condolences to you. Having lost pets myself, i understand completely. I won't say i know how it feels, as each person is totally different, just like with loved ones, but i can imagine. Yes, it was Wed night but earlier on before we see Eva - The moment was 19.20, when you can see both of them on screen. There's no talk, and then the smile comes.
  4. Watching some of the skype call back from last night but one, something i missed first time round, but i've seen this happen before. A point where there was no talking, just looking at each other and Leora smiles and nodded, without either saying a word (You could see him on screen too). Not being at all facetious or sentimental here, just being honest - It's almost like it's telepathic between them, she knew what he was thinking. As i say, i've seen this before on Skype, a few months ago where it was the same thing and she nodded and blew a kiss. People can say what they like but that unspoken bond remains, because i can see it clearly.
  5. No idea where she is, one brief call to her Dad this morning. But a certain someone seems to have been saying the right thing via text, as Patou noticed. She could be anywhere right now though.
  6. Just before he goes to bed. Patterns. As i say, right from last summer, a call around 11-ish, then the last text just on Midnight. Couldn't even begin to put a number on the amount of times it's happened.
  7. It's not Blue, between 11 and Midnight has always been the usual time for the late call with him. Right from the start.
  8. It was Paul, 5th call today. Has to be an educated (LB shaped) guess as to who she then went downstairs for timewise, but she didn't look overly happy when she came back in.
  9. And certainly not for the first time after seeing Paul, she now looks like she feels more relaxed....
  10. Hi Paul. 👋 3 calls and a video call, in less than 11 hours.
  11. She also spoke to Paul afterwards as well, 4th call to him today.
  12. It was LB who she called on the couch earlier tonight.
  13. Far as i'm concerned, it was LB last night. Not all, but some at least.
  14. She came home just after 1am by the way, everyone. 🙄
  15. To be fair, the notepad will be for just that - Making notes. All her actual work will be on her phone, so as long as she has that with her. I have seen her keep pausing a programme and then pick her phone up and write, then carry on watching and pause again etc. Everything is online now isn't it, so she will submit essays, questions etc via her phone. Having said all that - There is no guarantee whatsoever she has gone to a class today. None.
  16. Possible class yes. Possible meet up with someone though as well. In fact, more likely the latter.
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