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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Because like Malia, he knew Leora from before starting on RLC, simple as that really. So they both knew what she and Paul were joining.
  2. The top first and second thumbs look astonishingly identical!! 😆
  3. The first part, you'd think so wouldn't you. The second, it has to be speculation, but certainly i have always thought the latter.
  4. Yes i agree, but she herself said she wanted the 'Freedom' of the apartment back all to herself. And she has also said the only person she would live with is Paul, as they understand each other. So unless that happens, she will live alone. By choice.
  5. Paul called her 10 minutes before LB did. On and on it goes. It's all her choice, it's all her own doing.....🤷‍♂️
  6. Leora would not share her apartment with a total stranger whatsoever. She wanted Malia gone and she was her best friend. She wants to live alone, or at the least get Paul there. Other than that, It will not happen Joe. It's out of the question. She has said she will not share with anyone else.
  7. So there's clearly no Dance class again, and right now she looks like she's stopping in. Top cam already.
  8. It's not complaining Pulo, it's discussing what the future may be for her.
  9. I have to say, i can't disagree with a lot of that.
  10. Maybe but maybe not. Dance was Wednesday, but i make it she's been to just 2. If not tonight, then it's been cancelled or she's abandoned it. Right now, she could stay in. Maybe the texting back and forth is just keeping LB sweet.
  11. Someone's all Lovey-Dovey right now....Again.... And on and on and on it goes.
  12. She had a call then, if it wasn't Paul then it was her step mum, hard to work out but it was someone back home. But it sounded ok.
  13. Nonsensical argument which i refuse to comment on.
  14. Ok she will be doing this at 65 then. Ridiculous. Still sticking her foot on the sink in 30 years time.
  15. Having just caught up with everything, i can say one thing. Yes, we all love her and of course wish her all the best with life in general, and as a 'Figure' that we have watched for so long and admired, many would love to keep seeing this month after month after month. But nothing lasts forever. And at some point, if she wishes to further her life in Prague, regardless what that entails - Employment, love etc - Something has to give. Something big will have to change eventually. As J said, too many irons in the fire. Whether that's Paul vs LB, or being on cam vs Outside, she has, for me, already been extremely lucky to be able to live the way she has in Prague for 2 years now. But she won't be able to keep living this way. At some stage, a decision will have to be made. RealLifeCam or Real Life. It has to be said.
  16. 👍 I thought over the following 24, 48 hours we could get some kind of confirmation if she made a call. So yeah, the mentions of her Dad and medication (I heard her talk about 1 rather than 2 tablets) makes sense as to why she was so upset. And the Dog thing isn't (thankfully) about Eva. She said to Paul this morning about washing and shampooing her.
  17. Well H i have said recently and it's worth repeating, the way that things are going, i can see one day logging in, and all that greets me is a blank grey page with the writing "RealLifeCam has ceased operation. Thanks to all our subscribers". I could see it being that sudden, out of nowhere.
  18. She is watching a documentary on Monastaries and is making notes as she goes along, this i presume will be part of her history learning (Following on from what she spoke about this afternoon).
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