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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. He called her, so he must know that she's at home and ok to call, she won't let him disturb her. You're right, no one forces her to do anything she doesn't want. Just have to see if she's in all night.
  2. Great year was '73. I was born. Here's #73. May not be as great.🥺 😃
  3. Yes the sink, the sink, the sink, the sink, Dennis, Dennis, Dennis, I think i get it by now.....
  4. Well, she did go out wearing a 'Copper Coloured Top'..... There we go! ithankeww!
  5. Oh, it wasn't the mystery bag as she has taken a pair of new jeans out, still with the tags on. So she's done some shopping today, at least we know that much.
  6. Came back with the mystery bag as well this time. Looks to me her time out today was this afternoon.
  7. No, she's putting her loose shirt on. This looks like stopping in.
  8. She took her earphones and the mystery paper bag.
  9. What, you want to whip Jimbo first then? Saucy😉
  10. She did leave it on before leaving, must have not realised she had. Well spotted!
  11. NO NO!! You have read that all wrong! Maybe the translation changed the meaning. You said you are "not able to communicate with you every night and it's a shame I would have liked that, but I'm too tired", so i said don't worry, write whenever you can, we will be here whenever you do! That's what i meant - It was being supportive! You don't annoy at all Patou! Don't think that. Whenever you get the time to write, we're here for you.
  12. You write whenever you can, if you can't you will always be able to read CC at some point, i agree, at the moment she looks like she may be at odds with things but who knows, Only she does.
  13. 20? Blimey! Bet she forgot how to! 😆 Oh, i have no doubt she will find her mojo again, soon enough.... It's always in the last place you look. 😀
  14. You feeling ok? There was no mention of bowel movements in my post....🙃😄
  15. I think she looks mentally tired tonight, like her erratic sleep pattern is maybe catching up on her. She just doesn't look entirely settled somehow. I thought she sounded a bit 'off' when she came home, to Paul her tone was slightly down. But there was nothing in the call that seemed wrong and she had a good chat with her mate on Skype. Maybe she's just having a quiet time but she seems not quite there tonight, and if she can't sleep properly, it will affect her mind before long. I just hope it's not down to someone pissing her off yet again.
  16. I don't believe it's punishment, there's no reason. But i have seen often in the past that she either loses interest for a short while, or her mood affects her. And yes, it can depend on what things are like 'outside'. But this is what i have said, how she can do so much sometimes, that when she doesn't, it's more noticeable. How she can play 4,5,6 times in as many days then go quiet out of nowhere. Not that long ago she went 9 days in between. This is how as i said, she can back herself into a corner, when she does so much, it can then become expected of her. But then she can do one out of nowhere.
  17. Do you have some kind of radar for this kind of post? 😂
  18. No one blames you for thinking it though! It happens enough!
  19. No, no talking. Just using the toilet for what it's for!
  20. The cams aren't loading well again, been happening all week for me.
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