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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Yep, saw that quite clearly! There is a definite similarity as we know, maybe that's why!!
  2. Pretty sure now that she has been on a trip today with LB, NOT work..... In fact i'm positive.
  3. Yep, funnily enough LB wants what she had with Paul - Full time BF/GF thing. But she has made it clear she can't and won't give him that. As for Paul again, who knows. Maybe even they don't themselves at the mo. It seems very much up in the air right now.
  4. She has said she won't live with him, that is not going to happen. He wants the complete opposite to what she wants.
  5. No, i think there was a reason. Last night she looked as if she was going to sleep earlier again, and i thought then she had something on today, but it didn't work and she ended up staring at the phone again until after 4. Plus she had a drink sat up in bed before calling him and then also called Paul, so she was, for me, clearly getting up at that time this morning. Basically, she had to go out at that time anyway - Either for work or a trip somewhere. She did mention something about a train journey to Paul, but i don't know if she was talking about herself or him. But as i said, today has gone now in a sense, what only matters is LB & her are fine again, so by simple definition, she will see him more as a result.
  6. It could be a coincidence as i said, and that she is doing something else, but certainly the call this morning does lead to the obvious thought. However it is kind of irrelevant now anyway, she's gone and she'll return whenever, all that really matters in the general flow of things is that she and LB are definitely in yet another honeymoon period. Just a case of how long for this time.
  7. Paul. Think he may have been going somewhere himself.
  8. It could be unrelated, he gets up at this time anyway, so she may not be meeting him, she may be working herself. But the calls last night and certainly just now could suggest she is going out for the day with him, it's very possible. At this point, i can't say which one it is. But it is rare for such an early call now.
  9. Out of bed 07.46, so going somewhere. Less than 4 hours sleep.
  10. Her sleep pattern is screwed. Tried for 15 minutes but is staring at the phone again at 4am. She can't stop Instagramming all night. Unhealthy.
  11. It will probably be family issues back home that has concerned her the last few weeks.
  12. In chronological order today. Paul - Paul - Dad - Paul - Dad - LB.
  13. It is LB, Not Paul this time. Called LB straight after speaking to Dad a second time.
  14. It is her Dad. Spoke to Paul twice earlier as well.
  15. Well it HAD started but several posts had been moved to here, but that's why i mentioned it originally.
  16. #69 is now open for business. Approach with caution.
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