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Everything posted by billycox

  1. everything was going fine earlier when i checked in. another regular couple was there, along with the blond and a new ;i think] boyfriend. eight people altogether. something happened to piss off mira, and everyone and the dog left the couple that has been staying there are all remain along with henry, this should be interesting to keep an eye on. mira has changed drastically lately and pretty much runs the show. so now what?
  2. just cane in something big is going on. there was yelling abd mira raced around the place. looks like she has left with the dog and is very angry. can anyone explain?
  3. what is going on here? i only check in every few days since henry became the 2nd lapdog in the place. he can be annoying. but at least there was some action. now he behaves as if he's afraid of queen mira. with her controlling everything. even premeditated sex is BORING. not much reason to watch any more unlesss henry is turned loose to at least get the balling from time to time. is he afraid of mira? why?
  4. queen mira now has two furry creatures to make her feel better about herself: henry and that silly little dog maybe i should just not watch anymore....... also, by the way, with mira running the show, it's really not exciting. i must be getting old
  5. plum.............thank you. you just saved me from writing the same thing i agree with you completely jerk that he is, things were still more fun when henry coukd be his old self. i assume that she has told him that it's her way or the highway. too bad. tonight could have been REEAALLY interesting. thanks again plum for saying what had to be said now we are both on her shit list.
  6. he disappeared for a bit then... just when you think it's safe to go back in the water, the fat guy comes back......
  7. sleeping? she must be as bored as the rest of us...........
  8. i realize that this is probably unpopular to say, but i've never been that big a fan of mira she is often treated like a queen and has come to believe it herself. i assume she may have personal problems, but pity goes just so far. henry is no prize package either, but there are mitigating circumstances.
  9. wrong again!! something finally happened. initiated by mira could this become a regular thing? we live in hope.................
  10. ooops! i stand corrested. henry just picked his nose, flicked it on the floor and then put the same hand on mira's bare leg. apparently i haven't seen it all.
  11. just when you think things can't get any worse, henry moves the chair to a blocking spot and someone steps on the dog. have a nice weekend
  12. agreed dog chased the girl off the couch. even money says she comes back fully dressed and the evening is over.
  13. and take the dog with you.
  14. that annuying dog is not helping.
  15. henry is left alone on the couch with an attractive youing woman. the most interesting thing to watch is the new dog. what's wrong with this picture?
  16. isn't anyone going to mention the canine addition to this already unsteady household? in other words...what's with the dog?
  17. fun watching henry pick his nose again the more things change. the more they remain the same...
  18. thanks very much for the info robwin.
  19. where is everybody? who is this guy on the couch? sorry. i've been away.
  20. the jerk giving the finger to the camera should not have pulled down his pants. he doesn't have much to be proud of.
  21. ok. i give up. i won't bother you people again.....................
  22. ok........ i've been away for 4 days. in all that time. no one has cared to mention what mira's condition may or may not be. no interest? no concern about her diminishing looks and behavior? all you want to see is "action" and you don't really give a damn about the fact that these may be real people with real feelings? it says a lot about what the technology has done to us and our values. i fully realize that these are people who populate these sites for commercial reasons. but they are still people. what is missing here? george orwell must be dancing in his grave.
  23. apparently, no one is actually concerned about mira. there's all this talk and hand wringing about her unsurpassed beauty and now that she seems to be in some kind of real physical and emotional predicament, the best you can come up with is genetically modified food? this looks to me like someone who is really suffering and her "fans" don't really give a shit. maybe i'm getting old. haven't learned yet how to be that indifferent. good night.
  24. what's the story with mira? she looks sickly, scrawny, undernourished and unhappy. she;s no longer the attractive woman she used to be. maybe the whole thing with henry - whatever that may be - has finally gotten to her. has she been ill? or maybe she's just sick of her whole situation. for her sake, i hope things turn around. i don't want to remember has as this passive stick figure, any thoughts?
  25. thanks for the info. he's certainly a wet blanket for sure. how can the other 4 have any fun with him lurking like the family dog? and why on earth is he ever invited back? and to stay overnight? i don't get it. i must be getting old.
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