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Everything posted by billycox

  1. Looking well has nothing to do with your appearance. Obviously you are a very attractive woman. Looking "well" means that you might be ill, or are giving the impression that you are worried or are grieving, etc. Hopefully, none of this is true and that life goes on, problem free. with you and your husband. I wish you the best.
  2. is something going on here? mira doesn't look well.
  3. the good looking guy left. the drunken fool stayed. typical...
  4. did the young scared girl leave? now what? is mira going to take care of THREE of them?
  5. ok I give up. what happened? the girl left crying.
  6. like watching paint dry...mira is not too happy
  7. where is mira? did I miss something?
  8. very patient of you to be willing to wait. is this their first visit? could be. henry wasn't his usual aggressive self.. perhaps you are right. maybe they will be back.
  9. what is wrong with the husband here? he's holding everything up. she seems perfectly willing. again, we have the insecure ones who are ALWAYS the men. doesn't he know the score here? I don't get it.
  10. thanks. hope we will still be in contact with them. sounds like it. appreciate the info.
  11. so what is going to happen to mira and henry? they are moving. is this the end or will we see them in their new place? another city? same time zone? a shame if we lose them. one of the few worth watching. I wish them luck as well as the rest of us who have followed them for a long time. if anyone has any answers I sure would like to hear them. thanks.
  12. what is going on here? who is this couple? who is the couple who appeared briefly in the kitchen? where are mira and henry? am I in the Twilight Zone?
  13. except those of us taking the tine to watch and wait.

  14. I've been watching this trio play cards for some time now. Does the phrase "mind-numbing" strike a chord with anyone else? Or am I the only one?
  15. many thanks for the reply. looking forward to it. things are dull here in lala land. nice to see you both back'
  16. where have they gone? did I miss something? sometimes, in the past, they would go tp other people's apartments and you could follow their adventures there. have they done that tonight? is there anyone left whom they visit who is still part of VH? just wondering. I've been away a lot. thanks
  17. well, plum. you are exactly correct. why don't these two guys just get a room and leave the rest of the world alone. what's wrong with them plenty. good night
  18. I just looked up the word "boring" in the dictionary. there was a picture of this group.
  19. I agree with you. it takes the fun out of it when you know they are just "acting" and are only after your money. doesn't do anything for me except make me want to watch something else.
  20. another crew for page 1 of chaturbate, in case you're interested. I seem to recall someone asking. seems like more and more of this on here.
  21. good riddance. It would be so nice if we never had to see drew on any screen again.. ever..., he should go and live with rockhead.
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