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Everything posted by billycox

  1. here's a thought......... the big goon is invited to sit between two attractive women. one is practically naked. what does he do? he immediately covers himself up with a bedspread and sits there like a stuffed animal the other guy [henry] has the naked lady put her leg over him. what does he do? he picks his nose and flicks it onto the floor. do we need to ask why this is no fun to watch? there must be men available. not here. snore...........................................
  2. they're not even doing that. painful to watch. so i guess i won't again for a while. ps. how can mira and henry stand it? this is a fun friday night?
  3. ok.....back after 2 plus hours. if anything, things are worse. can't henry get this guy aside and explain the score?? or mira with the girl? why do they think they are there? it sirely isn't the scintillating conversation.
  4. i'll check back in again later. i have to go and watch some paint dry.
  5. ok. we're setting the odds here in vegas. what are the chances that ANYTHING will happen with these two couples tonight? will the young woman let henry touch her in any meaningful way? will mira let captain ahab come anywhere near her with that dangerour beard? will henry and mira discuss the futility of inviting this boring/bored couple again? guess the odds anf place your bets.
  6. and.......they're gone.
  7. just when you think henry is about to make his move, he picks his nose again. nothing is more exciting for a young girl than that. no wonder she doesn't want henry doing anything else to her with that same finger. classy.
  8. i won;t deny that possibility/
  9. is this the natural color of mira's hair? looks much better and more exotic when it's darker. she's still too thin, but, other than that, looks fantastic. henry could easily lose her. is he crazy? i'll stay tuned.
  10. and why not? we're not here to look at people watching television. i can do that at home.
  11. they have been hosting boring people for the last 3 hours. nothing is happening. surprised that they are still awake. am i the only one watching this snoozefest? and why? good night........
  12. i've been away. what the hell is going on? has mira moved on? who is this girl? am i in the twilight zone?
  13. i agree completely with plum's last posting. i think it's time for me to take another prolonged break.
  14. ah...plum. you have it exactly correct. if only...
  15. haven't checked in here for a while. is anybody still watching? mind numbing...
  16. what's the deal with the extra couch in the living room? does it strike anyone else as being a bit crowded? just wondering - as i do about a lot of things in this place lately.
  17. hi amy3... aha! i knew there was a reason i felt connected to your thinking. i feel exactly the same way. i just can't emotionally invest any more concern for most of these people. i'm supposed to be older and wiser, but that doesn;t always work out. and, by the way, i;m in l.a. sf valley. you figure it out have a safe and healthy weekend, scary out there. billy
  18. gm to you. you're up late. where are you?
  19. except thinner and with more hair. sorry amy. i just hope things will change and be fun again, but...well. you know why.
  20. i haven't checked in here lately because it had a sort of uncomfortable feeling. imagine how i feel now. is this a joke? i think i'll leave again for a while. somebody wake me if the nightmare is ever over.
  21. i agree with you amy3. chop the hair off, lose the tattoos and gain 18 pounds. she would be interesting looking instead of scary. i'm just sayin'...
  22. i'm with you tweety. good night.
  23. yeah. good for athena. now if she can just keep henry from overwhelming her... athena had a great time with various partners when mira and henry were away. i'm surprised she's here at all after the recent unpleasantness.
  24. yes robwin... just when you think it's safe to go back in the water, either henry or [with this girl] mira does something that doesn't make it fun any longer. i would like to have seen the new girl with felicia, but she had the good sense to bail. thanks for your comments. glad to know i'm not the only one.
  25. why doesn't henry move to the other side of mira so that the two girls can be together? it's because he's so selfish. the only reason he's not groping the one in the cushion on the floor is because he doesn't have 3 arms. even when things are going well. henry has to be in there. i guess he just doesn;t realize that to most women he;s just an annoyance. you can only watch this just so long and then henry makes you change the channel.
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