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Everything posted by billycox

  1. thanks golfer. i thought for a moment the excitement coming from rockhead's place was playing tricks with my perception. i think i'll take a nap.
  2. what? the furniture is not moved back. what are you talking about? she's still in the middle of a mostly empty room working on a sewing project. unless one of us is operating in an alternate universe.
  3. i agree with you completely. i thought it was just my computer. it's maddening. then it will slip into the 4 second mode where the action goes for exactly 4 seconds and then freezes, sometimes goes to black and then resumes. not much fun when you're only getting 4 seconds out of 20. but if the people involved should leave the room, it suddenly clears up. coincidence?
  4. this place is so exciting that i'm beginning to miss #5. will he ever return? at least he added a iago [look it up] element to the place. i have to go take a nap now. or i could just remain here and accomplish the same thing.
  5. that's very funny. probably the funniest thing that's been said here in quite a while. shows real imagination. lol indeed.
  6. thank you. was she the one who was on the monitor screen a little while ago?
  7. pardon me for not following closely enough. who is ira? and do you think they're all comfortable enough to have a session in the same room at the same time? THAT would be interesting.
  8. smoking indoors has begun again. amy will like that.
  9. this is like looking at an oil painting. nothing wrong with that but not exactly what you were looking for on a friday night.
  10. only in this apartment on a friday night could you take loud music, 6 or 7 attractive girls all dressed up, plenty to drink and turn it into a wake. rockhead is a lot like alan the man-child. he's ok when 2 or three people are there, but is so socially uncomfortable that he has to control everything and everybody or else go hide in his room. i don't think we need any more of either of them. call me when the adults take over.
  11. well, amy is absolutely right. this is like watching 3 children in a sandbox. alan has no idea whatsoever as how to function in the adult world. his body language is that of a 5 year old girl kind of cuts into the excitement. and the others sort of go along. snore.
  12. henry was at the computer. he asked mira to get him something. she brought out a stocking cap which he then placed over the camera above the computer, blotting out the picture. isn't this against the rules? he typed and talked to her for 3 or 4 minutes. then just as quickly, removed the covering from the camera. during this time she stood there naked. you could see her from the living room. i wonder what that was all about.
  13. thanks anyway. they must be able to monitor it somehow or else the whole system would make no sense - which at times it doesn't. but that's another ballgame. it seems that a site shouldn't just get paid for people checking on it, but for something happening there that makes for sustained watching. i just don't know how this works.
  14. i have a question which is probably pretty simple, but since i don't know the answer, please bear with me. as i understand it, the only way apartment occupants get paid is if people click on their live sites and watch. does the time element matter? if i'm just passing and click for 30 seconds to see what's up is one thing. however if i stay there for 30 minutes, it has to be quite another. correct? how do they know? how is this monitored? seems highly technical, but then what do i know? [apparently not enough if i"m asking the question.] thanks in advance to whomever supplies the answer.
  15. you're right. the whole point, of course, is that serens is heading for a terrible emotional jolt. george is not capable of feeling about her the way she feels about him. trouble in paradise.
  16. is he still there? on the few times i've checked this place, i've never seen him, which is a good thing, of course. it would be good to know that he's gone for anastasia's sake. but that may be a lost cause.
  17. not to be a wiseguy, but a minor point here. serena could not receive 'fellatio' because she is female. any oral sex in her direction would be 'cunnilingus'. in any case, i would imagine she would like some, no matter what we call it. and furthermore, i have a feeling that the label we'll be putting on her relationship with george will shortly be called 'trouble'. just a thought...
  18. i'm with you. well stated. you might as well kiss this place goodbye with that idiot back again.
  19. two glimmers of hope: 1. rockboy seems to have left following a very short visit. 2. he didn't seem to smoke while he was there. there has been smoking outside only since his initial departure, one lives in hope...
  20. you got that right golfer. she's still enamored of him. better that they both go rather than they both stay. do you agree? i like her but if she's the price we have to pay...
  21. you are absolutely correct. she's going through a critical time with her hormones. she's on;y weeks away from giving birth. when that happens, things are going to be complicated enough. should we forget all that just because someone wants to get their temporary jollies? what the hell is this situation going to look like when you add a baby to the mix? you appear to be a voice of reason. keep speaking out. there are some very volatile situations evolving throughout some of these sites. thank you
  22. for obvious legal reasons i cannot answer that question. but thanks for your concern. what really matters now is immediate attention to this young girl
  23. please trust me on this [i was ignored before, some 3 or 4 weeks ago] ALAN IS CAPABLE OF MUCH MORE THAN JUST HITTING HER. HE MUST BE STOPPED NOW AND FOR GOOD. sorry, this is potentially life and death stuff.
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