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Everything posted by billycox

  1. at least chaturbate has people actually doing something and they don't have henry picking his nose 50 times a day.
  2. who is this darren? he seems to be making himself right at home. did he do something to alienate mira? did he manage to spoil what looked like a good evening?
  3. who is this darren? he seems to be making himself right at home. did he do something to alienate mira? did he manage to spoil what looked like a good evening?
  4. thank you for the reply. unfortunately, my spanish is a little sketchy. can someone translate for me?
  5. a few questions: are mira and henry ever coming back? OR are the current apartment residents now the new residents? OR is this an audition for them to get their own place? OR will they move in here permanently and mira and henry get a new place? OR is there another scenario i'm not thinking of? just wondering.
  6. yes i noticed. let's see what comes of it and if there is anything worth watching. have they gone away for the weekend?
  7. watching four people playing monopoly for hours on end has been exciting. now i have to go and watch some paint dry.
  8. oh well...it's been fun. mainly. time to go. too bad. bye-bye.
  9. the English instructor girl [Athena?] has been there for sometime. in the hour or so that I observed, henry wisely kept his distance. she and mira mainly did all the talking. after a brief phone call, she left. henry behaved himself throughout. as long as he doesn't force himself, she will probably come back. one more performance like the other night and henry has problems from more than one direction. we shall see. mira is the smart one here as she is in most situations.
  10. oops! there he is at his desk. sorry about that.
  11. has anyone seen henry? things were not going well between them last time they were together in the living room? is he sleeping? is he pouting? has he left? he'd better be careful. he needs her more than she needs him. we shall see.
  12. I think you're all missing the point. henry is doing something way beyond just "promoting' a situation. he is interfering with it most times for his own selfish purposes. if a couple is making out in the kitchen, he has to go up to them and get his hands on the girl. if a couple is having oral sex on the couch, he has to go and involve himself. LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE sometimes.. the girl who teaches them English, for example, eventually gets turned off by henry's pushing himself on her and loses interest. this has happened twice in a row. encouragement is one thing. interference is quite another. mira knows the difference. he could learn a lot from her.
  13. I've tried to put up with it for a while because mira is so appealing, but no more. henry is incredibly annoying. he is constantly forcing the issue and no one likes that. he's got to relax a bit and just let things happen. he always pushes the women until it becomes a turnoff for them. everyone likes to have fun. no one likes to be forced to do so. back off henry!
  14. any chance the English teacher will do something in the Livingroom, with or without people there watching?
  15. I agree amy3. it.s always good to know what is going on. we seem to be living in a society [at least here in the u.s.] where a disconnect with reality is an every day occurrence. in the meantime. language barrier or not. when mira presents herself totally naked in front of me , i.m not going to be looking at my phone. reality check.
  16. and again with his right index finger about six inches from mira's face. she must be used to it.
  17. he's at it again. in front of mira and the guest, he dug one out of his nose and flicked it on the floor. then wiped his finger on the end of the couch. a real mood killer.
  18. ok. so let's see if I can express this properly. I enjoy watching this apartment more than any other. however, I have to turn away or go another apartment about a third of the time. why? because I can't watch henry continually PICKING HIS NOSE. he does it when he's alone, when mira is with him or when there are guests. he does it all the time. I don't need to see this on a daily basis. sorry I know i'll get criticized for this, but I just checked in and he's doing it again. other than that...
  19. apparently this moron thinks that whatever he's looking at on a machine is more interesting than two half-naked women right in front of him. I don't get it.
  20. mira is getting bored. she has to be the center of attention or she heads off to sleep. she is good looking and knows it. but she should relax and let things happen once in a while. I realize that she is queen of this site, but a little reticence would go a long way. I hope this is a positive comment because I like her.
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