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Everything posted by billycox

  1. how old are these boring children? i tried to figure out who is who but i kept falling asleep.
  2. Time out. I.m a little slow and therefore a little lost. Who is this new guy? Where did he come from? Did they know each other before? Have we seen him before? Did she just order him up like pizza delivery? Is he from Studs R Us? How did he happen to be there at just the right time in the middle of the night? Maybe I have to tune in more. Or maybe I;m just getting old. Or out of it. Or all of the above.
  3. I'm on two kinds of heart medication. Should I call my doctor about an increase, or do you think I;m safe watching this apartment for a while?
  4. amy3's analysis of the situation is the best one yet. what difference does it make whether or not legal rape took place? disgusting, inappropriate, anti-feminine behavior was treated as the norm. this idiot's actions should get his ass kicked out of there. we don't need to see this, whatever label you want to put on it. good for you amy3
  5. ok...i give up. apparently there are no limits. there is no such thing as rape...or logic...or sanity. have a nice day.
  6. she yelled at him and finally got him to stop. is there some way to have a light go off when this animal visits again? very upsetting to have to watch this, and how about that other zombie in the chair next to them? does he have a spark of humanity? i think i'll go back to watching bull fighting or some other blood sport. enough.
  7. how do you do that? i;m sort of new here. something really should be done with this animal dean.
  8. sorry folks this is painful to watch. this is rape. can't something be done about it?
  9. mic...totally agree with you about dean to the poiny where i worry about physical harm coming to that girl.
  10. I know that. Actually, I was just making a lame joke. I'm a novice at this and am always fascinated by the thought that this might really be the extent of their lives, so to speak. In most cases, it doesn't come as a great shock. However, both Laura and Maya seem to be exceptions to the rule. They seem "above" all of this. Do you agree? And thanks for the help. One day I'll catch on.
  11. wow! i had no idea. is there a waiting list?
  12. Sorry to inject a note of reality here, but how exactly do these people survive? I see no evidence of any work-producing income. They can't be financially independent or they wouldn't be subjecting themselves to the inconvenience of 24 hour observation. And now everyone is getting massages. How does that work? Where does money come from? Are they just living in an alternate universe unknown to us? And they are not the only ones, obviously. Can anyone explain? I'm stuck here in the real world. Thanks.
  13. Every year at Christmas time, my sister makes home made fruit cakes. The only thing nuttier than those cakes is this girl with the rabbit. Yes, she's an attractive person. Yes. she seems nice enough. No, she's not hurting anyone. BUT..there's something very wrong with her. And I don't find it charming or arousing. I find it very sad. I'm probably too worried about humanity. Maybe I'm watching too much cable news. Have a nice week.
  14. The current situation, especially with Maya, is one of the mysteries of the age. On the other hand, I'm ignoring my own advice. I've always said that if there is a situation or relationship or circumstance that you don't understand, consider for a moment that everyone involved is crazy to some extent. At that point usually everything will make perfect sense. I think this is one of those cases.
  15. It's Stepan. That's the point. There was definitely another guy who showed up, came and left. She seemed to deal with the whole thing like nothing had happened. Then Stepan returned. She didn't even blink. On with the show. I agree with many others. Every day we learn a little less. Sort of like the current...oh, never mind.
  16. Oswald shot Kennedy and the Bermuda Triangle is a myth. You are, however, absolutely correct about these two.
  17. Watching some of these couples is a little like watching 24 hour cable news. Every day I learn a little less.
  18. Has it occurred to anyone that this girl - attractive though she may be - is a little off her rocker? She has spent the last 15 minutes divided between fingering herself and scolding a rabbit. Call me old fashioned, but this combination takes a little of the fun out of it for me. Let's try and do one or the other. Oh, and by the way, I don't think that the Easter Bunny responds on quite the same level as Lassie. On the other hand, we now have in the White House... Have a nice day.
  19. thanks. give me fish over snakes any time. i don;t care how cute maya is, if she has a snake wrapped around any part of her, i'll pass if you don't mind.
  20. thanks i've missed a lot, including the snakes. shows you what happens when you're in and out of the hospital for 14 months. oh well, lucky to be alive so i shouldn't be complaining about unwanted reptiles. thanks again for the info
  21. and, by the way ...what''s wrong with the dog? been acting very strange since they returned. usually never leaves leora's side. now almost seems to be avoiding her. could the dog have a case of "paulitis"? just saying...
  22. what's with the SNAKES in the aquarium? YIKES! i've been out of the loop lately. have i missed something? this really puts me off.
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