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Everything posted by billycox

  1. i don't get this group. perhaps amy3 can explain it. they're naked, they're not, they go in and out of doors like a feydeau farce. it seems to have sexual overtones but goes nowhere. they get naked and then play cards. help! what am i missing here?
  2. agreed. i'll just check in once in a whike to see if a miracle has happened and he;s gone. until then...
  3. golfer...you and amy are absolutely right about this guy, but you're being too nice. he is TERRIBLE to this nice girl. why doesn't she wise up? could it be that she''s afraid of him? he's not dangerous like someone else we might mention, but he's a useless human being who should be put out by the curb in hopes that the garbageman will soon arrive. i just don't get it.
  4. yes, ashleyxyz, ron is a friend of mine. that seems to be the problem and why i reacted so strongly. and he's still directing, so it was slightly less than 100 years ago.
  5. and it will keep getting old until something is done about alan. remember to look back when something very bad happens and ask yourself "oh, how did i miss that?" of course, it won't be the first thing you missed. big surprise.
  6. please don't compare alan with ron howard except, perhaps at one point, in looks. alan never grew up. ron did. alan is a nasty little person ron is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. sorry, just didn't like to hear the two of them mentioned in the same breath. did i mention that i don't like alan?
  7. golfer06...i completely agree with your assessment of alan. he is a disturbed individual. thanks for stating so. the scene bears watching, i'm afraid.
  8. let's hope that the guy stole two bottles of unlabeled laxative.
  9. i feel the need to repeat myself, only out of concern for a very bad situation. alan is an immature, very dangerous person. he is irrational, capricious and capable of violence if the wind is right. i fear for the safety of these two girls and wish he were gone completely. as for george - he;s just an asshole, like rock. they should just take a walk and never come back. alan is a different story and this will end badly. sorry, that's the way it is.
  10. i think i have to agree with golfer. this rock is the worst of all time. even worse than silly boy alan. things would be so much better for everyone i f someone just pushed rock down a flight of stairs. i;m just sayin'
  11. see how much fun this is without that idiot alan? an hour away from alan is like a month in the country.
  12. yes golfer, i noticed. thus the previous reference to ligonier and latrobe.
  13. i'm pretty sure there was a different guy in between her weekend visit to the boring place and here.
  14. boy that was faster than a trip from ligonier to latrobe.
  15. has he returned or is that someone else? if it's a new guy already, boy that was fast!
  16. what happened to the boyfriend? now you see him...now you don't. anyone see him leave? did she tell him to go? just wondering. he seems to have trouble concentrating on anything but tv. she seems to like him but; except for sex, he can't concentrate on her for more than a few seconds without returning to stare at the screen. nice guy but BORING.
  17. ashleyxyz...the candy is dandy...line is actually from american poet and wit ogden nash. written [just guessing] in the 40s or 59s. it's been a while since i had occasion to use it...
  18. there's a lot more than that worrying me about alan, but i'm repeating myself. probably should mind my own business and hope for the best.
  19. i checked with my cardiologist and he claims that watching this group will put no undue pressure on my heart. so i've been given clearance to watch things like now: two girls removing nail polish while #5 - WEARING THE SAME SHIRT - observes them with his arm in a cast. you couldn't make this stuff up.
  20. i stick to my original premise. he is an immature, troubled individual and bears watching. he's capable of more than you think. did i mention that i don't like him?
  21. i was thinking the same thing. is that girl in the pink sweater still in the same chair or this an oil painting? and what would her role be? take your time with the answers. we have plenty of time.
  22. he can't keep his hands off the stuffed animal because, as i've said all along, he is a child. and, if the circumstances are right, a dangerous one. i'd give anything to see him go away and fun happen again in this apartment. tonight could have extraordinary but he screwed it up.
  23. golfer is being too kind. this rock character should be pushed off that bridge in brooklyn. not only is he a detriment to the apartment, he is abusive psychologically to that poor girl. i say get a posse together and ride his ass out of town. i nominate golfer to lead such a group. it would immediately change the whole ballgame.
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