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Everything posted by peterb

  1. A new visit, the birds are tidied up(hidden) and big clean-up
  2. She is still beautiful and adorable and when she smiles the sun looks pale 🌞
  3. Unfortunately Vlad in addition to some arrangements with the law, has for electorate the very conservative part of the country that believes in the values of the traditional M+F family. No offense to anyone, but there are also other great countries and communities that stand up for these ideas.
  4. Yes indeed this bird found on the street died despite Nina's care. They are two very sweet and emotional young girls.😌
  5. In Russia, the district heating system still supplies almost three quarters of households. Every year, every inhabitant experiences a hot water break of about two weeks during the summer. The reason? The maintenance of the municipal piping system: "This work allows us to prepare for the new heating season, to test the pipes and to monitor the ageing of the pipes," explains the St. Petersburg municipal heating company. Heating, and more generally services related to housing, is considered in Russia as a basic need, that's why water and electricity are very cheap.
  6. 1:38 p.m. cam 19 ... someone knows what it is?
  7. and this wonderful smile🥰
  8. A cake made with lots of love and four hands is always good.🎂
  9. I think: no, the wallpaper patterns, the stove...
  10. And certainly in a few days or weeks, a new series of photos.
  11. For RJ45 cables, no electrical risk, the voltage is 1 V peak and if the cable supplies the camera (PoE) the voltage is 12V generally with a power output of 10-14 W max. So no risk
  12. All is well, the installation is almost finished, back online, expected in 2-3 days maximum.💞
  13. yes, they stay in the project🤩
  14. Yes, new apartment soon, this one will be occupied by the visitors from the other day.🥰
  15. she sings rock, ballads and blues jazz. 🤩🥰
  16. the huge happiness in kira's eyes as she has just given pleasure to Nina: it's love.🥰💞
  17. at that time she had a permanent feeling of unease, now she is well in her mind and in her body. She's a fulfilled woman. Super Kira🤩🥰
  18. I'm afraid it won't be long before the cats win the game against the birds. Cam 5, Around 6:35 p.m. a wonderful jump
  19. Another masterpiece from our investigative specialist.🤩
  20. St. Petersburg is also famous for its incredible "White nights" From the end of may to the beginning of july, the night never falls completely on St Petersburg. St. Petersburg is one of the northernmost metropolises in the world.🌞
  21. Nina still in the kitchen, this evening it will be pancakes on the menu😊
  22. The sport is a bit rough, but on the other hand I did some after games and I can guarantee that the atmosphere was great.
  23. Well, in his bed, it's the computer that goes in the living room. Much better for Kira, but now it's a less pretty room, especially with the seat...🤩
  24. At 3:00 a.m., you can say love till exhaustion, Nina has to carry Kira to the kitchen. Then big smile
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