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Everything posted by peterb

  1. And the answer is: a promotional video to fund a new book of poetry. Because in addition to everything she does, Kira is also a confirmed poet and author of several books.
  2. Cats and the robot: Not even scared, just curious. In a few days, they'll be climbing on it...New taxi🐈
  3. he's not landing the plane🛬 🤣
  4. usually, night air travel (it's cheaper), either a concert or an interview. In addition they are dressed as a team
  5. ??and an hour later a beautiful bouquet of red roses... the color of love...
  6. So we can propose themes: Sleeper, wake-up call, cook, businesswoman, musician, singer, telephone, creator, video editor... We still have to find the illustrations...lol
  7. Excellent .... Musician too... among other things.
  8. When we knew kira, all shy, often sad, melancholic and that we see the femme fatale tonight, what an evolution, thank you nina.🥰
  9. ухуууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууу, что мы скажем????🥵
  10. I looked at the archives: nothing in January 2015, but there are indeed photos for January 8, 2016 and the following days, and even a recovered video called: bigday. But maybe it was the replay of a more discreet wedding a year earlier? Fortunately, they are better at do-it-yourself, drawing, sewing and singing than we are at investigating. 😂
  11. Kjeld, let's be serious, this can only be a mistake. 🤣 😋 🤩
  12. indeed, this list is far from being exhaustive... we can add writer, poet, actress...
  13. magicians I say...hammer, network cable, furniture assembly, knitting, sewing, drawing, music, make-up, clothes and even love... Seriously, they are really capable of doing everything. Bravo and admiration 🥰
  14. hey west, be careful with your heart 🤣🤩
  15. I think they're doing the little doll on the box, with the foam inside. ?
  16. you buy a very expensive toy and finally nothing better than two fingers
  17. a new big step for kira 💓
  18. there is the French way of life and the Russian way of live ... but one thing in common: around a good glass of wine
  19. and why not shooting the video ... at night the rates are cheaper
  20. yes domi, in the twitter thread under the video window, there was a publication on nina & kira (in the bath) with a photo of a bad montage which could very vaguely look at kira
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